Forum Post: Define yourselves!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 12:24 p.m. EST by corbintechboy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
What exactly are you fighting for? Is this an attack against the police or an attack against a point?
You want to fix this country? Fix the things that make the rich have an unfair advantage! For instance, fix the patent laws that stifle innovation and make it impossible for a small person to climb up the ladder of wealth. Fix the Government buyouts by the rich in this country, smear the names of people in politics who except bribes from the rich. Bash our tax laws and over spending for taking our good jobs over seas and all in the cause of political greed. Enlighten the masses of the things that divide us.
Instead of being so many small voices, become one voice! One point! One force for a common cause. When people have to ask the point, you come across as having no point. I support you for your courage to stand up, however standing up just to stand up does nothing and makes your points moot!
You have a movement, it is united and ready. Now practice focus, set goals, make your goals known, work together, make change, demand change!
I agree with you in theory and feel that we should go after the money in politics for it is the root cause of every problem that this movement is protesting. I believe our only way to do this is through a constitutional amendment. Article V of the US constitution talks about the rights of the states to request a call for a convention and congress has not granted one as they are obligated to under the constitution. Personally, I think this would allow us to attack everything in a non representative government by taking the power of special interests out of our politics. Both parties are guilty of not following constitutional law in congress. I have seen that direct action works as it did with the dumping of fees by BofA. Since direct action on Congress can bring the fact to light in the media that the requests of 2/3 of the states are in the congressional record, we can if we so choose to do so, demand that congress authorize the convention. This is not legally a decision that is in their hands.
what do you want to amend?
Personally, I would start with a comprehensive campaign finance amendment, detailed to limit individuals to a small donation to any given candidate in one calender year. Also ending corporate personhood in the election process is key to getting the money out of politics. We need to overturn the Citizens United case as our first goal. The rest of our problems are just symptoms of the greater problem where corporations pollute our political system.
This is possible if you use Article V of the constitution. Take a read of this.
This will back up what I am saying in reasonable detail.
Don't forget - no union lobbyist either. No enviro lobby etc. I agree - if you want to limit contributions to individuals only great. No organizations period.
Agreed! Take a look at the pdf.
This is a foundation to fix everything else by getting the politicians directly represented by the public as a whole.
Not to mention our right to privacy being abolished by the patriot act. Our liberties are under attack. It is not just the wealthy of this country doing the attacks.
As a consensus when we except a small step and not step up to the plate, they (the government) push a little further to see how far they can go.
Look at the GOP debates, have you ever seen a campaign run by who can give the best tax hike? America in general is ignorant! America does not understand a hike in tax is usually geared to help the wealthy and will not go to dig us out of the hole, it will go to fund more special interests and the country will still remain broke.
Not to even mention, the hikes in these times will close down opportunity and cause much larger problems in a country that is already struggling.
I define myself as undefinable.
hence - your problem
Or my strength - depending on how you look at it.
well - since you are involved with OWS - I'd say your confused and hence - your problem lol
I'm not involved with OWS but have participated in the occupation in my own city. And as much to your chagrin as it may be, I refuse to reduce my worldview to easily consumable soundbites. The transformation of society will result not from pre-fabricated ideological programs but from an evolving theory and practise that is always refining itself and always learning from both successes and failures.
So, translated:
It is better for OWS to walk around clueless and without aim as long as you keep the worldview in perspective?
And what are you hoping to accomplish? You need focus, you need ideas, you need to see the problems.
Maybe this thinking is the problem. You cannot possibly attack everything at one time. This makes you look as if you are not targeting anything.
I agree. I think most people agree, but unfortunately, no one is in control of this headless octopus. We have the thoughtful Dionysuslives of the group who are proud to distinguish themselves as refusing to "refine" their worldviews into "soundbites," which in practical reality translates into the chaotic mess of the public sensing that the movement lacks any unity or actual focused goals.
In my view, the OWS movement (in all its geographic manifestations) has passed a tipping point. It has lost the potential for general public support, partially as a result of the negative media from DC, etc, and now it will be just a matter of time before it dissipates.
The public memory will probably be a function of the various books detailing the events, which we all know will follow - both from those on the inside and those who claimed to be on the inside.
No, its better for individual people to develop an in-depth and evolving analysis of what's wrong with the world and what might be done to transform it. This can only be done with a recognition that there are no definitive answers and that there's a large margin for error. Maybe this perspective "looks bad" in the eyes of "the public" but I for one am not interested in pandering to a particular public image.