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Forum Post: Declaration of the Soverien State of Peace

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 8:36 p.m. EST by rickkb (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Declaration Of the United State of Peace. Pangea Paz Nirvana Peace Mother Home in any Lanquage We the People of the Earth, Declare A United State of Peace. This is a Sovereign State, a State of Consciousness. We have no national borders and no limitations. We live in a Quantum universe. All who respect and honor this place are welcome. We hold these truths to be self-evident: We have achieved a state of consciousness that goes beyond war. This awareness demands we enter and live in to a state of peace, healing and harmony. We are all sovereign of the womb. We have sovereignty over our will and the right to live freely and enjoy our lives, fearing no other. To live out their lives in peace and fulfillment. Secondly we declare a universal state of healing, for people and planet. Furthermore we declare our intention to live in this state to nurture this seed of peace knowing it will grow and offer others to share in this as well. With the release of vast resources dedicated to war and exploitation, we will reallocate these to support a state of healing. It is therefore our responsibility to abolish the exploitation of the limited, natural resources, human and natural. Our sense of human dignity, integrity and our respect for all living things demands this as well. In the State of Peace we share and are sustained by living in harmony and balance with the earth our Home. We will work with atunement and within the limitations of the dynamic living ecosystem we are part of and through which we live and breath. The stewardship of the Earth, its animals and plants, the care and comfort of the children, mothers, fathers and parents, of all of us, is our greatest concern and responsibility. ALL Law is based on this. All acts are based on this, all distribution of resources is based on this. All health and healing practices are based on this. May the strongest protect the weakest among us, all are one. Do what though will, harm no other. Live in Balance with all living things. This is the Law. Love. All people of every language, share words, for Peace, Love, Home, and Family Joy. music, safety, respect, food midwife baby mother father, air, water, EARTH Life & Welcome

PEACE 2009 Rick Kiyak Boughton, Tanya Kiyak-Boughon, Ross Krinsky



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