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Forum Post: Declaration of Revolution

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:57 a.m. EST by michaelmcroberts1 (4) from Midland Township, MI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I feel it is time for the people of the movement to draw up a declaration of revolution for people of 99%, within this it should be stated in the above text outlined in four: That the goverment is not permitted to enslave the people to the national debt, the weathly should be forced to pay no less then 30% of there income as well as they should not be permited to any taxs cuts unless it is to a charity to help the low income or to give income to low income for medical insurance or billing. as well as the amount of students who are barried in debt should be able to have a second chance and have there education payed from this day on by the goverment. College and health care are not for privliged but a right a right to better themselfs and not be stuck in the rutt of unemployment, wellfare and poverty. I also feel its importent to include the removel of the entire presidence and the cabint and replaced with an election which will not include any of the current canidents but the leader of this movement. I also ask that we get ride of the two party "dictatorship" and replace it with a interm party system that will include partys that are normaly third partys. Excluding both demicrate and Republican. You could look at both england and canida and the way that theres work. sorry about going on but we need to make something and something fast becouse the longer we sit and just BICTH the longer we have to wait. Do as our for fathers did and make a decloration!!! Its our will...

Thanks once again for all you have done but now its time to move on to the next step.

M.J. McRoberts, Occupied Midland Mi.

If so asked to i will be honerd to do so



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