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Forum Post: Decide our demands together through twitter or this site

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 8:04 a.m. EST by radiomind30 (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Throughout history, the will of men has led us down many paths. The great leaders of the world, the great scientists of discovery, and the great engineers that have built our world have also delivered humanity to this moment in history. Whatever position the occupy movement may have in the present, history will judge it from a simpler perspective.

We will, through protest and civil disobedience, change the law or we will have failed.

In the course of modern events it has been necessary for suffragists, abolitionists, civil rights leaders, for gay rights activists and millions in the blessed name of peace to stand up against oppression and change what is unjust, to create the momentum that will result in real change based on law, not just popular dissent. It is this event, at this moment, that history will record. Will we create change? Or will the system continue to give the right of one group of society, to control all of the interests of the rest?

Those who are watching us claim that we are incapable of organizing to act together with united force. Maybe we lack the benefit of corporate funding, or established political leadership; its true that no company will profit from our actions here today. We do are not here to create profit or capital. We are here to protest a corrupted system.

We stand united in anger and the desire for change.

The inequities created by humankind can and will be balanced by humankind. The desire to transform into something greater and more just is at the heart of every man woman and child here today. It is at the heart of every social movement and is the heart of the occupy movement.

In a way we've come here in pursuit of a dream. We were told that the capitalist system would provide for all and it was without fault. We worshiped for its ability to create exponential growth and wealth. Since the industrial revolution, humankind has built wealth on the backs of injustices like slavery, child labor, war, and numerous atrocities but as we continue to move forward, we correct ourselves, ever striving for balance and peace in this world.

All men, rich or poor, are brothers.

It is in this moment that we must once again examine ourselves and change the system so those who suffer, are saved; and those without rights are given power.

It would be dangerous for humankind to overlook the urgency of this moment. It is right now that we must create our demands. This groundswell of legitimate discontent will not and must not pass until the laws change.

2011 is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope that the socialists and the commies just needed to blow off steam and will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. And there will be neither rest nor satisfaction in this world until the laws are changed. We are united. This is a call to action. It is time to create our demands. We must take advantage of this moment in history.

With our technology we can communicate on an unprecedented level. How we create the demands of the occupy movement must reflect our beliefs in democracy and justice. It is now that we most use these tools together to create a list of demands.

From this list of demands we can vote, together and around the world. One person. One vote. One demand. Simple. The top two demands will become the driving force of our movement. Those who occupy city centers around the world, you have proven your resolve and determination. You have proven you can organize and endure. But I ask you, no, I challenge you! Can you join together and agree on two demands? The strength of our conviction has brought us here together, let our voices unify and make demands for change. We will move forward. The time is now to create our demands.



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