Forum Post: Deben meiorar su traductor
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 4:47 a.m. EST by gury
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
El traductor del español al ingles cambia el contexto y significado de los mensajes del castellano al ingles aislándolos del mundo hispano parlante. He tratado de enviar varios mensajes y he tenido que anularlos pon el cambio de significado que sufren al tratar de enviarlos en la vista previa.
The translator of the Spanish to the English changes to the context and meaning of the messages of the Castilian to the English isolating them of the Hispanic world talking. I have tried to send several messages and have had to annul them pon the change of meaning that suffer when trying to send them in the previous view.