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Forum Post: Dear People

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 8:37 a.m. EST by Pauline (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Dear brave people of Occupy Wall Street,

As an old Dutch activist and religious person I have been warning politicians for decades that they were legalising theft by a few rich thiefs. There were others with me, but we were disgarded as being fools. We have warned them that one day people (the victims of theft and oppression) would no longer take it. We have showed them the way God has created us and which talents he gave us to love eachother, we urged them to choose the right way and give the young generation a JUST and LOVING world. I pray for you and will continue in this small part of the world with the conviction that one day the criminals and dictators will have to change their ways. God bless you!!! Pauline The Netherlands



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[-] 1 points by mbsss (92) 13 years ago

Thanks Pauline. In the best possible world we should be able to live ethically and lovingly without having to embrace religion or activism.

[-] 1 points by Thetruth (17) 13 years ago

I've been staying at the occupy wall street movement. Seeing it spread globally in this way has worried me. I've put all the pieces together. This movement will grow till it's so big and the message of solidarity and we being the 99% will grow so big the powers that be will have to answer the people. The answer will be one world government. It is inevitable. Please people understand this was all started for that purpose. Everything that is happening now was predicted in the book of revelations. Not even being a Jesus freak. Just read it and you will know. Everything happening was fore told. Please people know that there is nothing we can do to stop it. I just hope we the people dont suffer. But that is also inevitable.