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Forum Post: Dear Opposition

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 3:43 a.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic (5827)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

‎"First, let me state a positive party point for you. Corporations are necessary for a world growing like ours. This is true. They can provide infrastructures and research to develop technologies that small businesses would not be able to effectively produce on their own (at least without a great deal of effort). We are not opposing this. We are, however, not ignorant to the atrocities that they have committed in order to further their monetary actions. There are select people of extraordinary wealth that have exploited the system for personal, selfish gain, at the expense of the American people (or, really, any country in the world). The morality of it is reprehensible. That is something that we do oppose."

"Anti-Socialism. This is perhaps the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What do they think the public school system is? Or police? Or fire fighters? Or transportation? If they hate socialism, they clearly hate the majority of the functions that make their life worthwhile; not to mention the lives of everyone else who lives in our country. I understand that they've been constantly told to believe that socialism is bad and then referenced to people like Hitler (who, by the way, was a fascist, not a socialist), but for god's sake, educate yourselves on what economies actually work and why. The fact is, having a capitalistic society AND a socialist society is far better than having one or the other. Why? Because if you have a public option (say, public school), then all of the options that would require you to pay (a capitalistic option, such as private school) have to be that much more impressive, competitive, and effective than they otherwise would. Without that competition (again, these guys LOVE competition), we just apathy by those in charge who don't have to really bother competing. They can just do whatever moderate job they feel like, effectively becoming the free standard, but paying for it."

Support the constitution and pass H.R. 2990 The National Employment Defense Act of 2011 (1) To create a Monetary Authority which shall pursue a monetary policy based on the governing principle that the supply of money in circulation should not become inflationary nor deflationary in and of itself, but will be sufficient to allow goods and services to move freely in trade in a balanced manner. The Monetary Authority shall maintain long run growth of the monetary and credit aggregates commensurate with the economy's long run potential to increase production, so as to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates. (2) To create a full employment economy as a matter of national economic defense; to provide for public investment in capital infrastructure; to provide for reducing the cost of public investment; to retire public debt; to stabilize the Social Security retirement system; to restore the authority of Congress to create and regulate money, to modernize and provide stability for the monetary system of the United States, and for other public purposes. (3) To abolish the creation of money, or purchasing power, by private persons through lending against deposits, by means of fractional reserve banking, or by any other means. (4) To enable the Federal Government to invest or lend new money into circulation as authorized by Congress and to provide means for public investment in capital infrastructure. (5) To incorporate the Federal Reserve System into the Executive Branch under the United States Treasury, and to make other provisions for reorganization of the Federal Reserve System.



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