Forum Post: Dear Left: Corporatism Is Your Fault
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 16, 2011, 8:03 a.m. EST by darrenlobo
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
America is suffering from rampant, run-away corporatism and crony capitalism. We are increasingly a plutocracy in which government serves the interests of elite financiers and CEOs at the expense of everyone else.
You know this and you complain loudly about it. But the problem is your fault. You caused this state of affairs. Stop it. (snip)
You spent the past fifty years empowering corporations and the most unscrupulous of the rich. You created rampant moral hazard in the financial sector. You created the system that socializes risks but privatizes profit. You created the system that creates a revolving door between Obama’s staff and Goldman Sachs. There’s a reason why Wall Street throws money at Obama. It’s because you, the moderate left, are Wall Street’s biggest supporters. Oh, I know you complain about Wall Street. But your actions speak louder than your words.
Here are the kings of inhumane values! They are the Lords of the Dirty Fucks!
The Revolution starts here!
We live in a world of the progressives' creation. Remember that the original progressives were the Republicans while before FDR the Democrats were the free marketers. FDR leapfrogged the Ds way left of the Rs & they, the Rs, have been moving left ever since. (Judging by their actions not their words.) So, yes, the mess we're in is the left's fault.
Also, can we just stop playing the blame game and realize that this has nothing to do with people and everything to do with natural economic laws that have driven civilization since it existed? What is is a consequence of what was, which you and I had nothing to do with. People die. Property is forever.
When a homeowner leaves his windows and doors unlocked, and his home is subsequently burglarized, guess who the police arrest? THE BURGLAR. If I leave a bag of money on the curb, and one person takes the bag and another doesn't, guess who the police arrest? THE PERSON WHO TOOK THE BAG. You can create all the moral hazard you want--that doesn't mean that other people have to act on it. Everyone has a choice: You either do the crime, or you don't. It doesn't matter how "easy" society may have made it to commit the crime. Sorry...
YOU CAN'T MAKE SWEEPING GENERALIZATIONS ABOUT HALF OF THE ENTIRE FREAKING POLITICAL SPECTRUM. Of course democrats have been central to the perpetuation of corporatism! They're half of the centrist two party duopoly. But that's an inevitable result of the political-economy of this nation: they have evolved to work within the framework they exist, and have therefore been co opted by capitalism. Now is that a decent reason to say that therefore all leftist ideology is flawed? Only if you're an idiot. STOP CONSTRUCTING NARRATIVES ABOUT GROUPS OF PEOPLE AS THOUGH THEY THOUGHT AND ACTED LIKE INDIVIDUALS. Social organizations are products of the societies in which they evolve in. The left's political machine in America turned out like it did because it was evolving in the most capitalist political-economy in the world. No shit what happened happened. Stop thinking you know about sociology when you obviously don't. Just because you read about politics in the newspaper doesn't mean you understand it. There isn't a soul on this earth that does.
Yeah, it's our fault that we allowed the power of capital to screw us like that.
Thank you Teddy! 12 yeas of you ruined or nation. Time to remove your head from Mt Rushmore
It is so sad how innocent the right is in all of this. How unjustly the republicans are being treated by the (liberal ) media ,that is any news that is not Fox. Absolutely we are suffering from rampant, run-away corporatism and crony capitalism. We are increasingly a plutocracy in which government serves the interests of elite financiers and CEOs at the expense of everyone else. Plenty of blame to go around
Why do you confuse the right with republicans?
that would be repelicans
and it is primarily due to the language used by repelican politicians themselves.
When Bush was . . . appointed they claimed to have had a mandate - which was just silly
During the debt ceiling debate, they insisted they had the will of the people behind them as they engaged in brinkmanship and refused to increase revenue by ending bush era tax breaks or corporate welfare.
the fact was over 70 % of the population wanted them to compromise, end the tax breaks for the one percent, and move on.
They refused.
repelicans as they debate whom they will choose to oppose the President, claim they are conservatives.
They are a bunch of liars and frauds.
the repelican party is DONE
Well sort of
If I walk across the street and get hit by a speeding truck.......
Lets not rant
Lets be fair - between the 1971 Powell Memorandum &
Reagan's piss on ( oops - I meant trickle down ) foundations and today's grover-koch-murdock truck America is getting run over
If a rabid dog bites you, is it your fault?
Kyle Reese: Listen. And understand. That terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with.
It doesn't feel pity,
or remorse,
or fear.
And it absolutely will not stop,
ever, until you are broke.
If we don't stand together
with the Elizabeth Warrens, Russ Feingolds, Alan Graysons - we will be.
I think most are too far gone to understand that an irrational hatred of a free market ( a free people ) leads to a "pass laws and consequences be damned" attitude that makes it impossible to critique one's own actions or the actions one supports.
This makes it impossible for that kind of mind to acknowledge past mistakes on it's part so blame has to be shifted. The ego in this type of mind simply is to weak to handle any critique - especially self-critique. It just isn't developed enough to handle it.
I don't know what % of people this may represent but in discussions I can tell it is not an insignificant amount.
'Free-market society': Freedom as defined by freedom from the state (the only mass social coercive force that has the potential [but can't when in a capitalist society] to operate according to the will of the people]), yet people are made to function in economically efficient (though social alienating thanks to the unequal power relationships that economic inequality causes) ways thanks to the fact that when every individual is acting freely, the competition that arises between them because of that CONFRONTS ALL OF THEM AS A COERCIVE FORCE. There is no such thing as a functioning society where some coercive force will confront the individual to make them functional within that society. There has to be 'a place for everyone and everyone in their place'. Therefore, the force that puts them there can either be the 'invisible hand', the coercive force that arises out of no state(people)-intervention that cares about noting other than economic inefficiency (money doesn't buy happiness anyway, that's just society barking up the wrong tree) that NO ONE has control over OR A democratic state, where the coercive force that finds a place for everyone is everyone! How novel! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS COMPLETE FREEDOM FOR ANY INDIVIDUAL SO LONG AS THEY LIVE WITH OTHERS. They've got to play nice somehow. There will be someone or something telling you to live your life within a given framework. Do you want that framework to be ruled by natural economic laws or the wants and desires of human beings?
I do not argue for complete freedom. I argue for complete liberty which is freedom within the confines of respecting the rights of others.