Forum Post: Dear Lawmakers
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 5:08 a.m. EST by mereesman
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Dear Lawmakers:
I am writing to you as a 33-year-old United States citizen residing in Southern California (Palm Springs, to be more specific), who is currently unemployed, married, with children, and have bills and rent to pay, and trying to get by. My situation is not unique. Millions of citizens in the USA have bills to pay, and many are getting by barely, and millions of us are unemployed, searching for work, trying to help themselves, and trying to help their families. This is not an epidemic in our great republic, but also worldwide.
I am sure this is something you are aware of. You see it in headlines every day. You see this when more protests generating from the Wall Street protests. Something needs to be done. Yet, you and the rest of government seem to have more pressing matters on your agenda such as repeal of DOMA, DADT, healthcare, and so forth. At this moment, the economy and creating more jobs in the government and private sector is more priority, and once this happens (not only until this happens) will everything start to fall in place, everything from nutrition, to prices and reversing inflation, homelessness, physically fit people, and more.
As a citizen of the nation, a citizen of the world, I have a few ideas as to how more jobs can be created and maintained. I am not an economist, and my ideas are just that. Yet, if the economists and the lawmakers cannot work together to get laws passed, and do what needs to be done, then my ideas I think are worth looking into. I do not want credit for my ideas if they work. I just want them to work. I just want to work again. I want to be able to afford my apartment, and to afford food on the table (with little or no government assistance), I want to be able to get new clothes for my children, and if my ideas work, then that is well. If they work for me as well as the millions of others that are affected, and get this economy rolling I think this will be wonderful.
As for my ideas, I believe one or all of them put together will work:
(1) The Bible refers to something called a Jubilee, which occurs after seven sets of Sabbaths (after 49 years). Although, this is something the Jews (or any person, for that matter) has not observed in centuries or millennia, the idea of a Jubilee is something I think needs to be observes, not only in our nation, but perhaps in all English-speaking nations, or even worldwide. The Jubilation deals with the cancellation of all debt as well as a resting of all the land. If all current debt was cancelled , as in observing a Jubilee, or in lawmaking, this is one way the economy can get a jump start, as well as creating more confidence and jobs.
(2) Some people I spoke with consider this next idea absurd and non-workable. However, they don’t have their own ideas, so it is something that can be at least considered. My idea concerns companies (small and large) who are currently doing well. My idea is to have those companies cut their current employees’ hours from 40+ hours a week to perhaps 20-30 hours a week, and then to hire more people to make up for those hours that were cut, so then everyone will be working 20-30 hours a week. I understand this is not feasible for every company, but those who can do it, this is something to possibly be implemented to more people will be working.
(3) On the other end of the spectrum, companies who are not doing so well, instead of laying off people and raising the unemployment rate, they should keep all the people. Keep all of the current workforce, but just cut everyone’s hours also down to 20-30 hours a week. Again, this may not be a feasible idea for all companies, but those who can should do it.
(4) There are those people (many, I understand) who work two to three jobs or more. There should be a database or something that once someone starts working their name gets put on it, and is taken off when they stop working. I understand they may be working these extra jobs to help family (heck there have been times I worked two jobs or even worked one job but 80+ hours a week), but if the above ideas are implemented they will not need to work these extra jobs. Anyway, the idea of this database is that potential employers will see if someone is already working somewhere else. Make it so that each person only works one job, and give these extra jobs they are working to someone else who needs work.
(5) Companies start offering overtime to employees when they start to do well and need more work more than the current hours that are being worked. Instead of offering this overtime hire unemployed workers to work these extra hours that are needed.
Now, you may be telling yourself that if everyone works only 20-30 hours a week people will not be able to afford food, shelter, and many other necessities and luxuries. Consider this, however: sure, current employees will have reduced hours; yet, currently unemployed people will be working and be part of the work force.
Also consider this:
(a) As companies start to notice this new trend, mortgages and rental leases will be adjusted and re-written to accommodate this new trend. Food and gas/oil prices will lower. Prices of everything will lower to meet this new trend.
(b) This trend of a new workweek going from 40 to 20-30 hours will be met with enthusiasm nationwide and worldwide. The new fulltime will be 20-30 hours a week.
(c) With these new hours people will have more time to spend with their family. They can volunteer at their kid’s schools or volunteer anywhere else.
(d) People will have time to devote more time to exercising and getting in shape again, and perhaps off the couch.
(e) Over half the nation is considered obese or overweight. This extra time people have will allow them to lose the weight they want/need and stay that way, and get in shape.
You think my ideas will not work? Maybe not. But consider them. At least I have ideas. All the government is doing is fighting, arguing, and pointing fingers at one another. Meanwhile, more people are unemployed, and more families become homeless. The elderly get more sick and do not have money for anything. The young go hungry. Tell me; if not my ideas, then what?
Marvin Reesman