Forum Post: Dear Internet: “You Raise Issues. We Raise Awareness” – Occupy Priest
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 12:28 p.m. EST by thewallstreetprotest
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
With all the drama going on – a few out-of-control protesters, ignorant mayors, and media blackouts – we decided to start a new humor column called “Hilarity.” (PS: we welcome user submissions). If you see something funny happen at a protest and you get it on film or want to give us a personal account, send it to us. We won’t make fun of anyone (or you), we promise.
Anyway, the first thing we decided to do was send a team to India, because, well, we don’t know why. Maybe something deep down told us that our website and motto – deeply democratic – would be funny coming from the mouth of a person who obviously was not American. What we got was more hilarious than what we set out for…