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Forum Post: Dear future economy, Sincerely we the people.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 10:41 a.m. EST by msantos (131)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

As dark clouds rolled over, they said we’d be safe, so we ran into their triangle of refuge. The eye that sees all would be the moon and its many stars that “light up” the sky to guide us through. And so ignorantly we glided down their path like butterflies In glorious trance we flew towards the light Who would have known? That they would have plucked our wings one by one Until we could no longer fly Soon began to rain down all around us their bars, caging us in. We could no longer escape. Without our wings we were slaves to the lit up sky. What seemed to be their triangle of refuge was merely a cage And as we sat in silence the sky opened up And there was complete darkness And I heard him, a voice; he told us this was our “dream” And my absent soul cried out: “But I am not able to dream yonder this cage!” We were a slave to the light, but nobody heard. Still the light shines brightly, luring all the others to cage they the American dream And still our voices cry out together, but not a one has been heard. Give US back our wings Give US back our voice Liberate US from the lights of sovereignty May a new metamorphis save the day.



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