Forum Post: Dear 99%, Where is your request list ?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 9:35 p.m. EST by Nimitz
from Queens, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Dear 99%, Pls do not target the rich, but to
- Monitor your government SPENDING !
- Say NO to short-selling and those funny tricks that could lead to COLLAPSE of the whole economy !
- Ask for effectiveness in all areas, medical, housing !
- Don't waste money on Fireworks or bala bala shows !
- Build job centers, help people to get a job, you know that !
- Pls list your reasonable !
dear person -- we agree with you, except that i really like fireworks. i think you should be holding a sign at your local occupation. all we request is that you be honest about what you expect from this country, the best or the worst, and you can help decide just by taking a stand. i think you will find that you demands are already on our list of grievances, and that we are very reasonable.