Forum Post: Dear 99%
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 6:46 p.m. EST by divine0enigma
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Maybe better decision making and financial responsibility would have nullified the need for this ridiculous protest? Natural selection for the win.
Love, the 1%
Being in the 99% isn't just about being financially secure by some third party judgement. It's about being content in what you are doing with your life. I could join the military, or not go to college and work for the rest of my life, but I wanted to learn. I am a part of the 99% because I am given the choice: my integrity or my financial security. The 1% are the ones that can do what they want. The 1% may have made a choice that I could have made, but it was the choice that took away my integrity. This isn't just a protest against the big companies and/or the government, it's against the way this world is set up. In any aspect of the world, the 1% makes it big, and the 99% have simply looked up to you. I protest because I do not want to keep wishing I was a 1%. I want to be able to live how I want to live.
Now I highly, highly doubt many others would agree with this view, but this is my view. Take what you want from it.
Wat? LOL! Because getting an art degree is better for your integrity than learning a useful skill.
tl;dr, life is not a fairy tale. if it was, i'd ask to get paid for fapping and playing computer games.
If you think one must necessarily choose between financial security and personal integrity, I do feel sorry for you. You seem to feel somewhat insecure about this view or else you wouldn't be here defending it so vehemently. If you have such a problem with those who feel both should be attainable, maybe you're just too old and tired in spirit to think otherwise. I hope that if we're successful, you'll be able to reap the benefits we're fighting for.
You're right about one thing. I am too tired in spirit. I'm still in college, and I feel old. I think both are attainable, but it's a battle in itself. And it's a battle I am terrified of because of what it might come to.
To divine0enigma: Why the hell do we tell children fairy tales if not to give us hope? I don't expect a fairy tale, but I do want something different than what is waiting for me. I don't think you could get paid to masturbate and play video games, but I think I can help people suffering without going to school for about 25% of my expected life span and paying off incredible debts.
College is a choice, not a requirement. If you're 100k in debt, jobless, and bitching about it, obviously you made the wrong one. /thread
You could have just as easily gotten your legs blown off in Afghanistan, and would be singing a different tune today. Count your lucky stars, and stop bitching that others who weren't so lucky don't see it your way.
Debt was forced upon us by Bush!
No, college is a requirement set by the government. It's because of Bush that we are all in debt and will soon be citizens of China, act now and get a $20/hr minimum wage now before it's too late!
I suppose well off is being $80,000 in debt, living with your parents, and having a degree that isn't good for anything.
I'm just a 24 year old male who you know, decided to actually "do stuff" with his life. Joined the military, am financially stable, zero debt, earning a degree the intelligent way and have jobs lined up on the outside making over 100k a year starting. What's your excuse?
Youre not the 1%.. Puppet!
I'm definitely not the 99% either, what's that make me? A financially responsible human being that isn't bitching about how the government is to blame for my own stupidity?
Do you understand the gap in the devision of wealth? Do you even know what the 99% is?
1% = people who won the game, 99% = people who are jelly
In other words no.....
Oh... Nice :) Maybe honesty and a fidelity to the truth would have amplified the need to expose your plans for world domination. Take your Keynesianism and shove it. FREE MARKET!
Divine0enigma, you are a worthless troll! You have no idea how difficult our lives are. I had to cutback on Starbucks, and now can only afford to go 6 days a week. STARBUCKS IS A RIGHT! I decided to go get a college degree because instead of doing my research I listened to everyone else and now I'm 100k in debt! It's YOUR fault. YOU DID THIS TO US.
That's great... through this whole thing, Enigma and Materia have stated facts. You had choices. Just because you didn't LIKE your choices doesn't mean they weren't there. Your CHOICES lead to where you are. THAT is what you have the right to.. a choice. You don't have to go to college. You don't have to go to work. You DO have to accept the consequences of your choices. Some jobs want degrees. Some want EXPERIENCE. Some want both. If you had entered the job market as a teenager, perhaps now you'd be that manager making $25/hr, and would only have a mortgage for debt, instead of 100K in college bills that you don't know how to pay, because you chose a worthless path for your degree. But you CHOSE that. Just like you pinkos (and I apply that term to all of you who think it's the governments job to take care of your butt) chose Obummer and his Chi-town politics. You get what you EARN. Instead of feeling sorry for yourselves, how about working to get a better job!? Is that too crazy of an idea?
So the 99% doesn't support the freedom of speech. WTF? I just became the 1%.
People are pissed off because they're graduating at the top of their class and yet still can't get jobs.
I'm sure it's easy to suggest taking personal responsibility when you're already in a comfortable position, but those of us just starting out, trying to make it to where you are in a much worse economic environment than you had the luxury of snuggling in, see things a bit differently.
If you call spending close to a year in Afghanistan luxury and snuggling.
90% of what I see here is "bawww I got a liberal arts degree and can't understand why I can't get a job i'm not qualified for bawwww"
Despite other possible hardships, yes, economically you were in a luxurious environment. Hence my use of that word, rather than "physically" etc.
Try getting to where you are now, all over again, today. Until you can try that, please don't judge others and assume it's all their fault. You have no real basis for saying that.
Military is always hiring, just putting that out there.
Then those of us who don't wish to support the current policies that govern the use of the military are pretty much screwed, plus again you have no basis for assuming that the same opportunities you had at the end of your military service will be there for others who sign up today. The economic forecast is even grimmer for 5 years into the future than it is now.
It's just one of many options. One of my friend's is a mechanic, another is a writer, another created his own business, another a computer technician. All making way more than a "comfortable" living, and NONE of them have a degree. This economic crisis you've all created here has nothing to do with the availability of jobs... probably moreso the abundance of dumbass teenagers who, instead of pursuing training to become qualified for these jobs, chose to waste hundreds of thousands of dollars on degrees they didn't put thought into.
99% of military careers are non combat related, you don't have to support war to make a career out of it. I don't foresee the military going out of business, nor do I forsee the lack of any other job. Maybe you kids should lower your standards.
Any military position supports the various wars they fight. Just because one isn't firing a rifle doesn't mean they're not contributing. Military careers further military goals.
Again I'm glad you came out one of the "winners". Kudos. But that doesn't give you the right to state unequivocally that everyone else dug their own graves, though it is the easiest thing to say.
By your logic, equazcion, taxpayers supports military goals. By you paying taxes you are paying for that rifle to fire. Good thing you're too stupid to have a job, otherwise you'd have innocent blood on your hands.
The only reason you are calling this cat "too stupid to have a jod" is because you dont want to come to terms with the fact that you are funding a war or feel like you have innocent blood on your hands.... way to be honest.
I'm lucky enough to have a job, yet I support this movement regardless, because I'm not arrogantly complacent enough to assume that their fight is not mine just because I haven't been directly affected by the problems that are clearly present. And I pay my taxes, because it's illegal to do otherwise. If non-payment were a feasible route for protest, rest assured I would be a willing participant. Under the circumstances, taxes are mandatory and military service is not, so I do the former while avoiding the latter.
You support military goals. This movement is a bunch of spoiled kids who never had to work for anything in their lives who don't want to work for anything in their lives.
Military service sure saved divine0enigma and many of my friends a lot of headache. Shit, 4 years and that's it for 50k for school? Not to mention classes are free while you're in? You'd be stupid to not take that route.
Help a cause you believe to be immoral because it pays the bills? You're a whore.
Be holier than thou and starve to death? You're a martyr.
Be holier than thou and get shot to death? Better? You risked the same martyrdom when you joined the military. I guess we each have our causes we're willing to risk it all for.
We need to get rid of these ANNONYMOUS accounts.
but our leader is a mask
I doubt you are the 1%. You are probably just as bad off as us. And most of us are "well off" by your standards.
Check the link after the edit mark on this page for a working list of goals
and this Warning from the original Tea Party before it got hijacked
and this list of usefull PDF files