Forum Post: Deadbeat Tenants and the Collapse of the Housing Industry
Posted 11 years ago on Jan. 2, 2014, 7:23 p.m. EST by HalalDali
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Deadbeat tenants are only the tip of the iceberg.
The whole iceberg is the collapse of the housing industry brought about by the mortgage crisis beginning in 2005 and the bank conspiracy.
There is a shortage of affordable housing. This housing shortage is the solution to fixing the economy. Any ideas? Why hasn't the government done anything?
Check this out-
How to Stop Foreclosure-Singlemom uncovers loan FORGERY
Bank Mortgage Fraud Foreclosure - Cancel Your Mortgage Today
Mortgage Fraud Exposed - WHO OWNS YOUR HOUSE?
Why hasn't the government done anything? A rational question. Just take a look at the folks who have made a career in and out of the beltway and you will be on your way to an answer. Dem or Rep, they are ALL dirty. How many people that are currently being paid by the taxpayers' dime have Goldman, Morgan or Citi on their resumes??
Right - Henry Paulson and Robert Rubin are at the top of the list.
Goldman Sachs ties to the Obama Administration.
Also hefty political campaign contributions to both Republican and Democratic parties.
Stinkled for this??? Must be because there is (sadly) a Dem on Pennsylvania Ave? Can anyone really DEBATE my statement? Wall St and DC should be their own country. The same cast of Bankster former employees also pollute a Republican government, but I guess that can only be pointed out on this forum when a Rep is in power?
non tax payers shouldn't be counted as citizens ?
Care to explain where you got that out of anything I said?
Oh, ok, I see. If I mention that the government runs off of taxpayers I am saying that the ones that do not pay taxes should not be counted as citizens.
How could I have been so dense?
Seems you are a little ouchy and feeling marginalized since you live by the grace of god and govt( let me be clear TAXPAYERS who are being forced to support you), eh?
Guess I should call you NonCitizen Kaneless?
language shapes thought
the government exist on consent of the people
Consent of the governed... Who structures thought today in the way it may have been structured in the 18th century?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. "
Gotcha. Now I have it. After 2 years of your tripe, it's NOT a BRAIN that shapes YOUR thought. I wondered about that. Just how many languages do you mangle?
The language spoken in the United States is not the King's English. Take English as it may be spoken by immigrants in New York City, for example: Puerto Ricans, Russians, Irish, Chinese, Africans, Israelis, West Indians, Haitians, Koreans, Cubans, Australians, Hindi, Egyptians, Italians, Mexicans, New Zealanders, Scots, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Lebanese, Iraqi, Iranian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Austrian, Danes, Greek, and so on... ugh.
American thought is possibly now a twisted mess that will never be clear. Politics is not the center of discussions among the multiple languages spoken in a community. Jobs, self interest and unorganized labor is a way the masses may see the world.
Will there be another US President that speaks in this manner?
President Kennedy 1961 Inaugural Address
Kennedy - We choose to go to the Moon