Forum Post: Dead Man (pepper-)spraying
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 12:17 p.m. EST by Barkode
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Do the Oakland guys have a clear photo of the filthy pig pepper-spraying non-violent occupiers? One can't but wonder if the vermin will enjoy his pension ..
Are you hinting at violence? If so, you are in the wrong forum.
You imply, that cop deserves protection from it?
I imply nothing. I state that violence or calls to violence are not sanctioned by ows or allowed in the forum, and that people who want violence would be more at home on some other site.
That cop, chose to place his safety, as well as the safety of his coworkers and family in jeopardy. He deserves nothing less than a truthful title. What becomes of him is not the result of a posting here. He is responsible for his own actions. The OP merely expressed the obvious.
Yes, he is responsible for his actions, as are the protestors who elected to sit there. If you believe in karma, then he will get back what he puts out, but hoping for it invites negativity inside of you. Maybe he really believes he was following orders in the least harmful way open to him. We cant know. Therefore, i chose to follow my own morals and disavow calls to violence, and even hopes for retribution.
How absolutely honorable of you, to disavow violence of any kind, actual or in thought. I strive for the elevated perspective you have attained, but my feelings of hatred, towards injustice, often overwhelm me. I do not hope for retribution upon this idiot. I hope the fear of it prevents others from the same course of action. In addition, the actions undertaken by those protesters show responsibility of action. They are not fearful of their safety any longer.
My state of mind is one week old. Two weeks ago I was cursing the universe. I lost my sister but learned something before she left the earth last saturday. There is a purpose to life, and enlightenment of the soul is very very real, and never give up until the last breath passes your lips. Her name was Mary.
Your mind has soared in two weeks. It is inspiring. You have been blessed with an impetus not everyone is allocated. May your love of your sister grow stronger as your serenity grows more visible. Thank you 'very' much.
:) thanks...u2
paraphrasing a movie title. I want that pig arrested and fired and therefore without a pension.
And BTW, who exactly are you to decide who does or does not belong to this (or any other, for that matter) forum?!
What would you have wanted them to do to remove the protesters instead? I can't think of anything that could have done that would cause less harm. Once they wash their face they will be fine.
Your choice of "deadman" does not reflect a desire to to see the man removed from his job. Written communication is difficult at best, so word choice does matter.
This site and ows do not advocate violence. As a member of the forum I am free to point out violent comments do not have a place here, and if you notice, I did not in fact say you or anyone else could not belong, but that it is the wrong place for those who want to instigate violence, which is what your word choice implied.
You can keep trying to pick a fight or examine what you said with a mind to how others might perceive it...
His choice of words is irrelevant. Any individual acting like that cop deserves no safety. Ever. What becomes of that individual is entirely his own responsibility. If violence befall him later in life, he deserves no mourner.
Words are relevant as they are our means to communicate ideas. What idea is he communicating? You are more overt and seem to be unsympathetic to the forces that motivate actions. Understanding motivation is key to gaining influence and affecting change.
Does it piss me off, what the cop did? Hell, yes. Will i allow that anger to consume or control me, or influence my behavior. No. It is a choice.
Some people, are blessed with the ability, to determine what is right and wrong. They are not always, blessed with the ability to express it efficiently. By observing what is obvious foremost, one can overcome most misunderstandings. I don't think that OP intended to instigate violence, so much as vent what they see obvious. Choices are all we are made of.
If you keep reading the thread responses, OP reveals more. Leaning toward white supremacist, anti-jew ranting. I dont feel bad for what i said. Pulling a thread can expose what the item is made of....
It appears as such.
if you can't take a metaphor then how about you stick to FOX-news and other zionist media (apparently the only one you can understand and agree with)?
If you cant communicate your ideas, dont blame me. Your attempts to insult me are so far wrong they are laughable, and again your choice of words reveals more about you than do your actual sentences. The term "zionist media", for example, tells me you have a very specific political and social ideology that, again, puts you in the wrong forum. It also casts serious doubt on your claim of the intent of the meaning of your initial post.
I can continue this all is really quite amusing.
u’re again trying to police this forum -- “that, again, puts you in the wrong forum.” – which is NOT “quite amusing” at all. If The term "zionist media" bothers you so much then you must be either a hasbaRAT or a 1 percenter infiltrator.
I am not policing anything, misguided soul... I am free to state my opinion, to point out your slips that reveal your ideology, and to say as often as I want that it does not fit the ideology of this group. Again you resort to name calling and misguided group associations. I promise you, I fit no label you can produce, nor can your words hurt me. I wont follow your links because i have no respect for you or your ideas, so you need not post more.
But I do appreciate the entertainment you provide, and am delighted at how each of your posts reveals more of you...
u're annoyingly boring. So fuck off and count yer shekels
Negativity will eat your soul. I hope your demons do not consume you...
Revenge is a useless, counter-productive, unwise, fruitless exercise which only brings harm to the one who seeks it. In most cases of revenge, the target has, at most, only a brief time to know that life is going away. The seeker of revenge is left with a feeling that the object of their hatred did not suffer enough. The better course is to try to rehabilitate evil doers if possible. I've mentioned before on this forum that I hope, when our victory becomes evident as - never fear - IT WILL in the fullness of time, that we don't have a replay of the French Revolution in which so many people, of all ages, were sent to the guillotine (a killing machine which slices off a person's head with a large sharp blade}. Let us, instead, re-educate and rehabilitate those who are capable of such a process. Let us not pollute ourselves with unnecessary acts of revenge.
being fired and therefore losing his pension -- that's an act of justice, not revenge. I'm not talking Robespierre and the Jacobins here.
It would be real easy to snipe that fat fucker
That's what getting arrested looks like.
And here, again, we see the violence inherent in the OWS movement. Peaceful, my Hispanic ass.