Forum Post: Day of action Aerial view footage 30,000+
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 12:56 p.m. EST by dewitback
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
How many would you say this is?
Good post and discussion about the media coverage.
Great link. One of the comments on the forum inspires me "The revolution will be digitized." Lets stop leaving the responsibility to the mainstream media, WE have to be the news reporters.
Which is why I used quicktime to capture this youtube video footage to re-post it. RE POST. RE BLOG. RE PIC.
Enough to inspire others.
Looks like a hell of a lot more than "a couple hundred" wouldn't you agree?
Yeah it does. I watched part of CBS news last night and they made it sound like the protest was really small.
"Duur there's a couple young hippies causing a stir, but my head is so far up my ass, I just can't tell how many there are...DERP! And in other news remember Micheal Jackson? Yeah sure doo huuru huur huur, let's talk about him for the rest of the hour..."