Forum Post: DAVOS, Switzerland - Dismiss at your Peril
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 27, 2012, 8:46 p.m. EST by dcosts
from St Petersburg, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"I assume that everybody here agrees that globalization is wonderful,"-- Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google
Why has the success of innovative giants such as Google and Apple failed to directly translate into significant numbers of jobs? How do we generate large numbers of high-quality paychecks in such times?
The fundamental problem of our age: how to enable people who want to work for a living to do just that.
One defining characteristic of the Internet boom is the degree to which it has concentrated the wealth in a limited number of hands. As is often noted, income inequality in the United States has expanded to levels not seen since the 1920s. Overall average taxation as a share of national economic output is lower than at any time since 1950.
Creative destruction is indeed an elemental part of free enterprise. Massive unemployment need not be.
A New Economic Paradigm: The distributed nature of renewable energies necessitates collaborative rather than hierarchical command and control mechanisms. This new lateral energy regime establishes the organizational model for the countless economic activities that multiply from it.