Forum Post: David Brooks says OWS needs to think bigger and get focused
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 9:12 a.m. EST by WildWeasel
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I don't usually agree with David Brooks, but he makes some valid points. Personally, I would like to see a lot more done. Including (1) passing a jobs bill right now! (2) Also get the new Consumer Bureau up and fully running with no interference from Congress. Stop trying to dismantle the law. Stop blocking appointments to the new bureau. (3) Stop montizing our education system. Students are not profit centers. And fix our decaying schools, as that will produce jobs. Lower tuition at public colleges and universities, even if it means millionaires will pay slightly more in taxes. Students of today are America's future. (4) And enact fair trade laws that put America's manufacturing on a level playing field with foreign manufacturers. No wonder American manufacturers have trouble. We have good environmental laws in America, good labor laws, and we don't allow sweatshops and child labor mills. But we allow corporations to take their business over seas, and produce goods in awful environments, and then we allow those businesses to trade with, and undercut, American markets. There's plenty more that I'd like, but that would be a good start.
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