Forum Post: Dates - Dinosaurs, Roman Empire, etc
Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 11, 2012, 1:13 p.m. EST by FreeDiscussion4
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I recall in school even today and as I search the internet for the DATES of events, they OFFICIAL use says "BC" Before CHRIST.
Several events are commonly proposed to mark the transition from Republic to Empire, including Julius Caesar's appointment as perpetual dictator (44 BC), the Battle of Actium (2 September 31 BC), and the Roman Senate's granting to Octavian the honorific Augustus (16 January 27 BC
So if you dont believe in Christ then why do historians that keep the OFFICIAL record of time and dates?
Christ lived and they use his birth as a way to record HISTORY.
So, happy 2012 AD
bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . bwa ha ha ha ha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HE HE HE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha ….. .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . …….. . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . bwa ha ha ha ha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . … . hahaha HE HE HE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha ….. .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . …….. . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . .
Why ask what others believe when you so readily discount their beliefs by the acts of others? What do that actions of historians have to do with the beliefs of others?
This is mind boggling stupid:
"So if you dont believe in Christ then why do historians that keep the OFFICIAL record of time and dates?
Christ lived and they use his birth as a way to record HISTORY."
BCE Before the Common Era
You are a typical fanatic.
You dont have to believe that historically, for over 2011 years ago, people used the birth of Christ as a calendar reference. If you dont believe in it they dont put 2012 on any checks or documents. Maybe YOU actually werent born on the date that is on your birth certificate. 2012 is this year and Jesus Christ was born 2012 years ago.
Of course the fanatics don't even check their own fanatical facts. +- 3years....
One would think that if it was important, as it appears important to you,,, the issue would have been solved in the years, 1 AD to 2012 AD and yet it remains the same as it was while George Washington was President. You worry over little items.
The littlest things can be so important. Fanatics often get their facts straight, they seem to just go on and on being wrong.
2012 years of wrong is what you are saying? What,,, of significance happened about 2012 years ago that prompted the AD or ADE? Did,,,,,,, anything happen of significance???????? Anything IMPORTANT happen 2012 years ago that a big red circle would have been place on calendars??? Was it,,,,, maybe,,,,,, the birth of someone special??????????
Apparently it was not significant for everybody concerned to actually be accurate.
A liberal was in charge of the calendar system for 3 years and screwed it up then too. Kind of like Obamacare. You pass it then it doesnt start until 2014. VERY interesting how that works too. You libs can screw up a calendar.
LOL interesting point, and while were at it, we could say, if you dont trust in god, then dont use our dollars! Just because a generation of people grew up clueless, probably due to inflation where the moms and dads both had to work to pay the mortgage, the children grew up wild, and learned only one lesson, "put your sights on money cause its the only thing that matters" meanwhile we see rich people dieing from drug overdoses cause they cant handle life, like: Elvis Presley, John Belushi, Anna Nicole Smith, Whitney Houston. We should change the name of our planet from earth to world of the dumbasses!
Good point. Changes in what has been printed on our money has changed over the years. But I do know,,, and I dont need to print them here, reference to God and Creator in many of our MOST important American documents. I also know there have been FAR more churches across our country since 1776 than there are abortion clinics and gay bars. Maybe churches are far more important.
Why do they still use a reference to Christ? Well firstly there's no getting around it, even if you change to Common Era, it still signifies the significance of "the Christ event". Secondly, ever since the Roman Emporer Constantine decided to get involved in "figuring" out what Christ represented (most importantly forming the Council at Nicea), we've been entangled with the Roman Empire through his Roman Catholic Church. Thirdly, whatever the case this is the Hebrew world and it awaits the Messiah who fulfills the Law (which, as you'll note Christ did not). In this way the Christian Era represents a sub-world of the entire 5772 year Hebrew count.
But, otherwise, in absence of understanding all that.... see
Actually it's been BCE, before common era, for longer than most might's shortened so the public can relate to it better...yes, most scholars do think the rest of us are dumb.
Even Google searches, today, February 11, 2012 uses BC in 99% of results. And,,,, why would this year be,,,,,,, 2012? Seems strange that you write checks and other documents and date it as a very close reference to the date Christ was born,,,,,, interesting. You do use 2012,,,,,, right?
Sigh, for the sake of convenience of course, for accuracy no.
I just called an old friend that has a set of encyclopedias from 1950. It says BC (Before Christ) and AD (After Death) and second reference is Anno Domini (In the year of our Lord). Any other reference is made up from smoking too much dope.
LOL, I used to have a set of those...while the encyclopedia is a good reference for most folks, it's not exactly the ultimate resource. Try again.
Oh and refrain from referencing drug use please. I have no trouble with assuming you have managed to consume a great deal more of smoke-able dope than I have, since I have never done so.
I will contact others that I know that have MANY other references that have been used over many many decades to see if BC and AD have been the HISTORIC use for dating or the PadoraK reference books used in kindergarten. I will bet you,,,, ohhhh, a million dollars that BC and AD have been used at a factor of a billion times more than YOUR reference boo(k).
It's mostly habit habit at this point. Newer works use BCE, before the christian era, but tradition dies hard. The Romans never bothered to number their years, that left Pope Gregory free to number them starting with what he would have considered a good year, even though he couldn't be sure of the exact first year.
Well,,,,,,,, sure it is habit. Sure,,,, you didnt learn,, your parents did learn, your grand parents didnt learn, your great grandparents did learn, your great great grand parents didnt learn and their parents did learn BC. They all used BCE. (not) The change is a liberal attent to rid any reference to what the world has used for 2,000+ years as a way to provide a DATE for something. Habit,,, that is funny.
The point is few consider the christ in bc as having any meaning beyond marking a point in time going backwards from 2012 years ago. It marks nothing of religious importance today only the importance of organized religion in history.
I only suggest that we take at lease the same time to praise the Lord's birthday, that we recognize with the date of his life, with the same respect MANY pay to someone like a Martin Luther King. Liberals NEED and DEMANDDDDDDDD to honor his birthday but dont will spend billions of dollars in legal fees to stop any honor of Jesus Christ on Christmas. It just seems like the strangest thing one could image. Love for MLK and hate for Jesus.
I was raised Catholic, but don't really care one way or the other about god or religion. I tend to be liberal on many social issues. I would let gay couples marry if they want, but think Christmas is part of the culture and wouldn't waste time or money on silly attempts to ban displays. Call it Before Christ, Before the Common Era, whatever, it's a nonissue to someone with no religious feeling like me.
To liberals, government is a religion. Obama and the likes of MLT are god's to them That is fine with me. If you are all alone,,, as a liberal,,,, you are all alone. If you are with God,,,, you are never alone. Even in the worst hours, under the worse conditions, those that believe, believe He is with them at that moment and have peace. You pick your own misery.
I have no problem with religion, can't afford to my wife is devout in her faith. I just stay out of the argument when it comes to religion. Try to be open about anything and avoid the foolishness often demonstrated by people that want me to think or worship their way.
I have the flying spaghetti monster. Oh, and Obama is no liberal. Who the hell is MLT?
Martin Luther Ting,,,, you big dummy. (a red communist)
Wasn't Jesus supposed to have been born in 3 or 4 BC? This makes our dating system incorrect in the context of what its supposed to represent. I think it is kept as this date for sake of sheer convenience, it could be simply adjusted to a more accurate date e.g. the deposing of Romulus Augustus (setting 476 or 477 as year 1) or alternatively:
You can debate 3 years if you would like. You cant divert the issue that we use historic dating that references Christ's birth. The world, not republicans in America, but the WORLD uses BC and AD to reference historical dates.
Anno Domini is what A.D. stands for, which leads us back to the church control over education etc...Anno Domini means In the Year of our Lord.
It has nothing to do with accuracy.
Lord. For some reason I already knew that.
(Anno Domini (abbreviated as AD or A.D.) and Before Christ (abbreviated as BC or B.C.) are designations used to label or number years used with the Julian and Gregorian calendars. This calendar era is based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth, with AD counting years after the start of this epoch, and BC denoting years before the start of the epoch.)
Not true - the Muslim world uses the Hegira calendar, China uses the Chinese calendar, & India uses the Saka calendar. All often show the equivalent date in the Western Gregorian calendar also, for the convenience of ill-educated Westerners such as yourself - that doesn't indicate endorsement of Christian dogma, it just indicates that non-Christians tend to be far less arrogant & ignorant than Western Christians.
You failed to include how Europe states dates. People living in China that read about American or European history read references to BC and AD. I may know it is the "Year of the Dog" in the Chinese calendar does not mean there is or is not the "Year of the Dog." BC is still the used term if they study American history.. You cant take that fact away.
Can't take away the fact that Western history, written by Westerners, is dated using the Western Gregorian calendar?
Boy, the way you clutch at straws is pathetic!
It is 2012,,, right? Strange how that matches the birth of Christ. You do write 2012 on your checks,,,, right? Or do you write some strange numbers there? Bet it's 2012. You do march with our tune?
You live in the Western World, right? The Western World uses the Western Gregorian calendar, right? The Western Gregorian calendar is not the only one in use in the world, right? Other countries use different calendars, right? The world, the Solar System, & the universe do not revolve around the United States or any other part of the Western World, right? I don't know how to make it any clearer to you, right? Do you get it yet? Or am I flogging a dead brain?
I have no idea if you have a dead brain to stop punishing yourself. I could CARE less about any other calendar. This year is 2012 which is recorded as 2012 years ago since Jesus was born. You, yes YOU,,, do put 2012 on your checks dont you? If not, what calendar number to you put on your checks? Why is 2012 the date used? Amazing how that works and you have no power to change 2012 and how it relates to the birth of Jesus that many years ago. You have nothing.
I never diverted nor attempted to divert away from the issue of the usage of BC/AD or BCE/CE derived from it. I was merely stating it was perhaps the most convenient system of measurement due to sheer historical use.
Sure,,,,, as long at it meets the 2012 AD version of how dating should be displayed.
Real historians don't. They use "common era," "c.e." and "before the common era," "b.c.e."
I will bet you a MILLION dollars that every school book you used during your entire education process used BC.
Check out current text books and monographs. It's really passé to use A.D. and B.C.
I didnt say, CURRENT, I said the books that educated AMERICA for 230 some years. You are trying to divert the conversation to a recent liberal agenda to rid the reference to God or Christ. You use the word CURRENT as just another example of trying to dumb down people as liberals have successfuly done to the poor that are getting poorer. You like dumbing down to fulfill a cause.
No, actually, we're trying to smarten up. That's why the textbooks have been fixed. You say "So if you dont believe in Christ then why do historians that keep the OFFICIAL record of time and dates?" My point is, they don't.
Oh,,,,, I got it. Text books need to be fixed,,, 230 years of American education has faulted. Oh,,,,,,,. That is the funniest liberal comment I have read in a very long time. Why was this not correct during the great moments of our history? Why didnt Einstien have that changed? Only recent liberal hippies that are protesting in parks and taking a crap on police cars understand the proper way to date things.
Sorry the whole world can't be reactionary like you. It must be a big disappointment.
One other thing. Maybe you are not aware but the WORLD, not just America, has used BC and AD, and continues to do that. They dont change dating of historic events to fit your liberal mind.
They do not.
Ummm, actually 230 years of American education has faulted many times and been corrected many times and will most likely continue in that fashion.
That is very funny. Maybe you will actually discover,,, as you state there is fault, that slavery never existed. So thank you for mentioning that historical events may not be correct. Good job.
Jeez, and here I was thinking of things like the theory of relativity...oh my!
It was once taught in schools that traveling at the speed of 60 mph would result in being crushed. That fallacy has been corrected.
It was once taught that certain species have been extinct for eons, yet that too was fallacy and has been corrected.
But I guess that was too technical for some folks.
Crushed at 60mph???????? What??????? What would crush be crushed at 60 mph? Are you nuts? You are very strange.
LOL, maybe you should check back to the late 1800's and early 1900's...even then they understood speed kills. LOL
Or perhaps I have a rather unique perspective my grandmother lived in the late 1800's and naturally through the early 1900's and was taught those things.
Uuuuummmmm,,, OK,,,,,, let me post what you just said. I think I read the two sentences correctly. This is what you said,,, "Your grandmother understood that speed kills,,,,,,, and,,,,, she told you this." Very interesting. Grandmothers tell their grandchildren that speed kills. WOW,,,, I read your comments again and that is what I read. Do you wet the bed too? (I know,,, that is not what I said. BUT YES IT IS)
Let me see how I can put this in words you can understand...My grandmother went to school in the late 1800's and early 1900's and she showed me her text book from that era which stated that if humans could travel at speeds 60 mph and greater they would be crushed by the air pressure that would be created against their bodies or the conveyance in which they achieved such speeds.
I doubt I could find smaller words.
Once again I am finished. Communicating with you is generally fruitless.
WOW. And you say that the books were "revised" to change the fact that people travelling at 60 MPH would not be crushed? OK. So it is a FACT,,, 'FACT" that people are ok at 60. Great. Got it. Was there a F-A-C-T that changed indicating that BC and AD are not correct? What is that FACT? Maybe some liberal educator started saying it some 10 or 15 years ago,,, but what physics fact occured? What was unearthed or new document that changed BC and AD? I have a feeling that your grandmothers books had a factual problem that was solved but for the life of me I cant image what factual issue changed BC and AD? I dont think there was one. Your grandmother story was cute,,,,,,,, and heart warming,,,,, but you really are a childish idiot.