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Forum Post: Cute Kid Dancing Vid

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 4:30 p.m. EST by adie (0) from Ziemetshausen, BY
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What I love about this video, besides the really lovely song and dance routine of course, is the thought of the media spin doctors of the Police Department and in Washington with beads of sweat on their brows trying to come u with the countermeasure... "Quick Officer Barbrady, dress up the kittens in little police uniforms and get them on camera!"...

The eyes of the world are watching now. BTW Thank you for going on the street to show the rest of us that America does still indeed have a heart.

Kia Kaha!. ( Be Strong )
Adrian - Munich, Germany



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[-] 1 points by mbnfromtheog (70) 13 years ago

The spin doctors were a one hit wonder best known for their song "two princes".