Forum Post: Cut Their Pay
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 2:48 a.m. EST by rales76
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Cut the congress peoples pay to 1$ a day. The R's just want the BLACK out of the WHITE house and to hell with whatever happens to the country!! Yes it is that simple.
1$ a day, needing money they get funding from whoever pays them to pull their strings and dance. To be honest that will most likely happen even if they were paid 1$ or not. People should wake up and vote.
Actually, the only one who donates a portion of his salary back to the treasury and doesn't partake in the lucrative congressional pension plan is a R. He also proposed a budget plan that included cutting the presidents pay to $39,000, down from over $400,000. He's the only honest man running for president, yet ironically a man like this who seems ideal for this movement has his name censored on this forum. Ron xxxx 2012!
Btw, Obama sucks dood. He's a black Bush. More war, more bailouts more favors for special interests. the differences between him and Bush are microscopic, and cosmetic. I'm not voting for a guy just because he has the same skin color as me.
Um, there are plenty of reasons that Republicans are stupid, but if they are all a bunch of racists, why is Herman Cain so popular?
Um yeah.