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Forum Post: Cut The Ties!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 6:32 a.m. EST by Padre (0)
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Cut the ties between Wall st and congress. We need focused fundamental solutions to the problems 1 End lobbyists (for profit ones) 2 Outlaw congressmen investment in Wall st 3 Outlaw private campaign financing make it public The root of the problem is washington's ties with wall st If we clean it up we'll get the power back If the banks change and washington doesnt change, the problem (s) dont go away



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[-] 1 points by rosewood (543) 13 years ago

Until OWS uses the time honored arsenal of tactics of economic boycotts, protests, civil disobedience, and non-compliance it's unlikely the power structure will budge. All of these actions have to be deployed relentlessly, and together before any serious possibilities for change can occur. It also reconditions the public for enduring collective resistance.

We continue to talk about cleaning it up and change, but unless we deploy more of these tactics from the arsenal of peaceful resistance, that may be all we accomplish..talk. Perfect the means of economic boycotts which NATIONS USE, economic sanctions, to launch against the corporation's bottom line, as we continue with the usual strategies.

Bring down an offending corporation with a global movement and then you have some economic fire power to demand change. Then you say to the 1%, politicians and corporations, YOU WILL CHANGE THIS OR ELSE, we will divest and withdraw our money.

OWS is young, but when will we start empowering the economic arm of global OWS ? Take down PepsiCO as an exercise, whom are being boycotted by the pro-life groups for using aborted fetal cells to develope a sweetner. This will create solidarity, provide the skills and discipline for economic battle, and send a warnng shot throughout the corporate boardrooms. OWS will then be taken seriously and acquire the power to effect change. To speak of change without acquiring the power to effect change may be premature.

Max Keiser suggested a PepsiCo boycott prior to the aborted fetal cells issue, based on it's structure, and vulnerabilty within the consumer market. It has a history of enviromental abuses.