Forum Post: Current status of economy
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 7, 2011, 6:52 a.m. EST by danmi
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Our current state of the economy is not improving and it is mainly due to Obama's three years of failed policies. He is going to go down as the worst President in history
Too bad God doesn't make a return. We could vote for God to solve all the problems. But, I seems to recall something said about the whole heaven thing getting divided too. Right wing and Left wing angels who can't even agree and they supposedly can actually see this God thing.
The slate will have to be wiped clean. Maybe we should have a lottery every decade where everyone has the chance to be wealthy for ten years. It would be interesting to see Donald Trump rise from poverty in this day and age.
It is my belief that the seeds were planted for all of this during the Nixon presidency. Reagan took it even further down the road and ALL the presidents ever since have been on board with this social plan.
Just imagine Newt Gingrich as president. Here is a man that was kicked out of office by even his own party because of ethics violations. I bet HE will fix this problem better than Obama.
All the career politicians should be voted out. With all the reality shows nowadays maybe they should have one called "Who wants to be President" We might just get lucky and have the average Joe do better than some of these clowns
take a look at this, none of this happened over-night although none of it upholds, supports or releases Obama for his outrageous antics
more fishing. this is the laziest practice in the history of debate.
Crashing a motorbike takes a second, but healing from the wounds takes very long. George Bush crashed the motorbike big time. We can't expect Obama to heal all those major wounds in 3 years. We are going to have to give him another mandate.
I do admit that he did take over a down economy but in three years he has made it worse than it was before he took over. No re-election for this clown
Obama did exactly what he was voted in to do. Unfortunately, the US economy couldn't support it. If a republican opposition wasn't voted in, the state of affairs would be much better because bills and laws could pass immediately without as much debate. Obama was barely in 2 years, everyone freaked out and castrated him from accomplishing anything. Now you have Newt.
I do not trust Newt and to be honest with you, I do not have faith in any career politician. An individual that actually worked for a living should run for Pres, instead of these loafers that are in place right now
The people who work for a living run for other positions, that actual require some work and thought. The President is just the face.
The only clown was George Bush, and you voted for him twice.
and you voted for a socialist Marxist and will probably do it again
I'm Canadian. Obama is not socialist enough for my taste. I vote NDP.