Forum Post: Cuomo whose side are you on?
Posted 11 years ago on Jan. 8, 2014, 11:47 p.m. EST by twerkie2
from Palmas, TO
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Top labor leaders lobbied Monday for Mayor de Blasio’s tax-the-rich plan just as Gov. Cuomo unveiled a contrasting policy — a push for $2 billion in statewide tax cuts.
Let's see...9 million live in NYC....4.3M are registered voters and LESS THAN 1 million voted in the recent election. Whose side? I'm on the side of the indifferent electorate that are getting EXACTLY what they deserve.
I DO feel sorry for the working stiff horse carriage people tho. De Blase's friends will make a killing on the real estate freed up from the stables. Shades of France 1780 whatever and Russia 19teen whatever. Misery DOES love company