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Forum Post: Cuny student strike

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 20, 2011, 8:40 a.m. EST by mysparrow (1)
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The City University of New York

ie CUNY has over 12 billion in assets, yet has decided to hike tuition as it continues to offer free room and board, (CUNY owns alot of realestate) free tuition, free apple computers, and a stipend........ to wealthy non-New Yorkers.

as poor new yorkers are being priced out of higher education, CUNY not only refuses to allow Students to Speak T the public bopard meetings but also deny them the ability to peaceably assemble, as well as other civil rights violations.

you may remember, a couple weeks ago when students were blocked by CUNY public safty from leaving the the building at Baruch College while CUNY "peace officers" then formed a line on the other side of students marching into them causing unsafe conditions and what ended looking like a riot.

CUNY students have no voice as fare as the Administrations are concerned.... when they speak they are ignored or beaten.. you want to know why?

because they already have the students money so they couldn't give a crap...

so if they refuse to acknowledged the sound of our voice, let the tremble at the sound of our silence............I believe the only way we can effectuate change is by Boycotting CUNY colleges, let thier pockets dry up....until the administration caves in!

1) by adopting policys they will allow for openness from the board of trustees and proper notice to students when a board meeting is to held.

2) adopt policies that will give openness to the dept of public safty,(campus police) by forming policy that would keep security camera footage on file for 1 year or longer if a civil complaint is filed.

3) allow the students a say in how their tuition money is spent, CUMY is rife with nepotism, every bureaucrat gets a new car almost every other year. not to mentin some live in CUNY owned apartments some are not even in the city of NY.

but i digress, its time for a student strike!





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[-] 0 points by XenuLives (1645) from Charlotte, NC 13 years ago

If what you say is true, then I support this.