Forum Post: Cruel Winter: What NYC Homeless Must do to Survive
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 17, 2012, 1:46 p.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 17, 2012, 1:46 p.m. EST by GirlFriday
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Unfortunately we are not willing, as a society, to try to find a solution to the problem.
I didn't say solutions can't be found, I said for whatever reason, we don't have the will to put them into effect. For whatever reason, lack of caring, not wanting to pay for someone else's home, mistaken belief that the homeless are just lazy. This nation lacks the will, the money, or both to do anything but offer sympathy.
Then let's change the will.
You can only change yourself and work toward motivating others. In many cases people just don't care, it's not them on the street.
I never give money to homeless people. I can't reward failure in good conscience.
hmmm....I wonder what you do personally for the homeless? Feed them, clothe them, give them shelter perhaps. Do you contribute monetarily? I would love to fibbing!
what is OWS doing to help?
Move South. It's cheap to hitchhike.
It's the homeless in Montréal and Edmonton I'm more worried about.
It does not look good.
It isn't looking good. Can you tell me if they report homeless deaths in the newspapers?
When I was residing in Montréal, there were homeless deaths every year. Although, I have to say the policemen were really good in this regards. There is a police squad who does only one thing; they go around downtown Montréal and talk to hookers and homeless people on a daily basis. They just ask how they are doing and if they need help. They know all these people by name. If they hear that a homeless person is in trouble, they bring him in so he can get warm. There are many shelters for them and also places where they can eat good meals for free. But yeah, the winter is harsh, and it only takes one cold night to kill an unprepared homeless person. It's particularly dangerous for the older folks. I'd like to know the average life span of homeless people in Montréal. I'm sure it's not as high as the rest of the population. I seldom see really old ones.
Side note: I come from a small town in Canada and when I was young I remember there was one homeless person in the city. We used to call him Joey the Bum. At the end of the fall season, he would always go in a grocery store and steal something, then turn himself in. The cops should have jailed him for one night, but they would usually keep him inside for most of the winter. That's what he wanted and why he stole. After a few years of this, he had an agreement with the cops and just came into the jail whenever he wanted to sleep inside. It was in the papers, because the city had to agree to this since the jail is paid with the people's taxes. Nobody complained.
Depending on the area, officers keep an eye out on ours. Most often there is an attempt to keep those known to be mentally ill and homeless out of jail but there are those that have been arrested in winter to keep them from freezing to death. It doesn't take something fictitious either. They can be found standing in the middle of the street screaming at cars. But, I don't want to give the impression it is like that all over. It isn't.
I just wrote what I know about Montréal. My aunt is a doctor and works in a shooting clinic where they give free clean needles, and heroine to people living in the street. They give the needles to anyone who asks, and the heroine to those who come in with severe withdrawal syndromes. I used to volunteer there once in awhile. I got a pretty good look at how things work. It's not always pretty. There's definitely a lot of improvement to be made in this area.
You guys have the clinics. :D
I have read about the needle exchange and safe shooting areas.. I didn't know that they had moved to prescription heroin. I love it. I read that there has been a negotiation with the local PD that they have to remain so many feet away from the clinic and cannot arrest them entering or leaving the facility.
Harm reduction has been so successful where implemented. It would cut our problems in half. Unfortunately, this is not a country that recognizes that there is a problem to begin with.
I didn't know about the perimeter rule. In any case, from what Iv'e seen the police don't try to arrest these people. There's even a strip of many blocks downtown where prostitutes can work without being bothered by the cops. Sort of a red light district. The city did that so they could keep it all in one place. They don't make arrests, but instead talk to these people on a daily basis to see if they're OK. They only go after the big kingpins. The mafia guys.
Pot is theoretically illegal, but if you have less than three plants at home, or if you're carrying a small amount for personal consumption, the only thing they do is trash the drugs. They only give fines and jail time for big offenses.
I don't do drugs, but many of my friends have plants at home. At my cottage, one of my neighbors as a big plant outside and our other neighbor is a cop. No problem.
I don't use drugs either. I do work with many addicts. The more that I read about the harm reduction method, the more I am convinced that this is the way to go as long as it is done fully. Not in some "least that can be done pat me on the back because I tried" method.
Even a needle exchange program would be great. I think that the stats are 1/5 of all new HIV cases and a large amount of Hepatitis C cases are from sharing needles. I think that this would be a step in the right direction.
The US has a peculiar way of handling prostitution and always has. It's a NIMBY situation. Historically, every time that there has been a so called crack down on prostitution it seems more like a warning not to get too close to middle class areas where there is a pretense that it doesn't exist. This is just in reference to US prostitution---not the women that are trafficked in from other countries for prostitution. Although, the attitude towards them also crosses over.
[-]2 points by GirlFriday (3031) 2 hours ago What makes you think that they aren't paying taxes? Many homeless have jobs. Further, they purchase items. But, I don't think you are the slightest bit interested in any of that.
To survive. You said on another post this morning that homeless have jobs and pay income taxes and purchase and pay taxes. Make up your mind.
Homeless people are not a monolith. Some have jobs and pay taxes and some don't.
Sorry, you are correct. They have a name. The Obama Homeless Team.
Hmm. Attacking the homeless. Doesn't say much for you.
I'm on the obama team and support him. Even though the homeless count has grown after he had the plan to solve it does not mean we wont stop helping.
Right. It's Obama's fault more people are on food stamps and there are more homeless. Did you forget that when he took office we were in the midst of the Great Recession with millions of jobs bleeding each month? Nah. You didn't forget. This is just an easy and convenient red herring argument for people like yourself and Newt Gingrich.
I didnt forget. Did YOU forget that obama promised he had the plan to fix it? That is what he said he would do. Did he do as promised? NO. If he didnt think he could do it he should have let John do it.
HE SAID HE HAD THE PLAN,,,, REMEMBER??????????? (person wrecks the car. the repair guys says, 'I can fix the car like new. Then doesnt and blames the person for having the wreck.) He promised and didnt. Right?
That is laughable. I don't remember him ever "promising" anything. No one, not one economic expert knew what to do. And the Republican plan was what - do nothing? In the end, you cannot say it did not work simply because it is not easy to measure. We will never know exactly where we would be without the stimulus.
Here's an excerpt from an article and the link:
"A more accurate jobs count may come from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which estimates the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as the stimulus bill, "increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million" in the second quarter of 2010 alone. The budget office also states that well over half a million jobs were funded in each of the other three quarters of 2010."
Census workers were the majority of new employment.what a joke.
YOU voted for a guy that told you he DIDNT HAVE A PLAN? Are you nuts?
Do you remember back to fall 2008?
Hell, even a couple of weeks ago he said he needed 4 more years to solve the problem. My God, I thought the President was elected to do a job in 4 years. He didnt and wants more time for vacation and golf.
Right. Eric Cantor and John Boehner now there's two fine men. Two compassionate men - who voted down Obama's job bill! Who have made it their mission to maintain high unemployment so they can get Obama out of office. Their little plan's not working, though. The American people are on to them, hence their 11% approval rating.
The same Obama Job Bill that was going to pay back the unions for getting him elected? The same obama Job Bill that was going to create more "government" jobs and not in the private sector? That one? The one that was going to increase the debt rather than decrease it? That one? Congressional approval rating. Congress is made up of the House and Senate. You are saying people hate the democrat lead Senate,,, is that what you are saying?
No. I don't know what you're talking about. But, I do know the Republican led Congress has an approval rating of 11%. Everybody knows that.
What? You dont know what I'm talking about or are you joking? The Republican led congress,,,,, "everybody knows? You are joking. Where did you go to school or did you? You are joking,,, you got to be.
Oh, the super majority Obama congress had a great approval rating: 9%. big shit huh?
Obummers jobs bill? A warm piece of shit? Get a clue uglyworld.
What are you afraid? Afraid the unemployment rate my come down and he might win again?
6 million people have dropped out of the scene. They are no longer counted. Your community organizer is a retard. Most dropouts are smarter than this failure.
Hahahahahahaha. You worthless prick. Off your knees, Koch whore.
Either you are an old bitchy woman or you are on your period 24 hours a day. You really need to take some time and get laid or new batteries. Your system is full of poison.
My guess is it's a meds/dosage issue.
That too. But I have a feeling no man has touched her for a long time. You can build up poison. Even D cells could help her.
That's funny. Especially coming from a man who hasn't seen either his dick or his feet in probably a good decade. :D
But you have.
Not me, but I hear tell from your mother. You are one of those people that likes to "keep it in the family".
To quote YOU: "Thats all you got?" Not even funny. Replace those batteries.
Right after you pull your head out of your ass.
Go back to your trailer you fat slut and douche. What a fat ugly bitch! Douche. You stink!
Not having any fun, dicknose? :D
Shut the fuck up and sit down. Listen up, you need to think about packing it up and leaving. Your days are numbered. Criminals like you do not belong in our society.
I just figured it,,, this very moment. I understand now. WOW. This is interesting.
Liberals are for anti-gun laws because they fear for their life around liberal women,,,, and they are all like you. I fully understand the liberal point of view on gun control,,, thanks to YOU. Man,,, I learn something every day. You are about to explode this very moment because you cant get any. Go watch some porn, lube the D cell, and calm down. After you are done, wash some dishes.
Save your breath, you are going to need it to blow up your date. :D
Now that was a little better. Go wash some dishes.
This slut needs to get an education instead of her constant whore mongering.
Go wash your own damn dishes.
"Hello, I'm Michelle Obama. The homeless need our help. That is why I started the Michelle Obama Donation Box. If you have any clean, relatively new "sun-dresses" valued at $25,000, please drop them off at any of our donation locations. I have several and will donate them along with the $500 tennis shoes I wore to the food pantry. I cant imagine what it must be like to live without expensive clothing or around my rich Hollywood movie stars to keep me warm. So please, donate, or at least look like you really care." "This ad paid for by the Re-Elect obama campaign."
And help yourself to some of the lettuce I pretended to plant in my White House Kitchen Garden which made for a nice photo-op but was actually trucked in the next day.
Now, THAT, was funny. Thank you.
same with yours.
good humor is based on truths. that was excellent hunor.
I was wondering what they were going to do during Irene - if the storm surge had been as high as initially predicted, I expected they would find the bodies of the homeless floating in the subways . . .
and it would probably not even be mentioned in the news.
I dunno - possible - but we do have a certain penchant for the dramatic, the gruesome, and even the politically scandalous, in our media.
Bodies floating in the subway, even if they are homeless folks, had the potential to be all three.
I think I would have been more surprised had they not turned up in the news - at the hands of someone intent on capitalizing on the dead and the misery of others . . . .
maybe I'm just jaded . . .
Every year x amount freeze to death and do not get a mention. But floating bodies might do it.
We had one freeze to death up here in Burlington - he got mentioned. I think he had been on the periphery of the movement, too.
I guess I'm not surprised they don't get mentioned in the big city.
I used to work at a homeless shelter - I wish there was an easy answer.
I hope the US decides to tackle this
I hope the US decides to tackle this
I do too! It will take unrelenting pressure/advocacy/activism to make it happen.
Forward Occupy & 99% movements. Forward "THE PEOPLE"