Forum Post: Critics Of OWS Will Be Awakened By The Coming Economic Collapse!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 8:11 p.m. EST by RG32
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am an independent trader. I know this isn't the most popular line of work in the eyes of Occupy Wall Street, but I can tell you from the front lines of finance that the movement is absolutely necessary and spot on. I have been calling for something like this for a very long time.
The people who are criticizing the movement and saying things like "get a job" or that we just want handouts, are going to be shaken to their core by the coming financial collapse. They will be stunned. The stock market is going to collapse in 2012 along with the value of fiat currencies across the world. The price of gold and silver will skyrocket as the Federal Reserve continues to print money in an effort to stave off the inevitable.
We are entering a world wide depression. It is already starting, with the S&P 500 hitting bear market territory last week. This is just the beginning. The major banks have lost around 50% of their value in 2011 alone and it is likely that we will see another round of bank failures shortly, both in the United States and in Europe.
The United States economy has entered recession. Greece will default within weeks, and this will turn the current recession into a full blown depression that will spread across the world. You have been warned.
Great post!
Reminder: do not respond to the Trolls, naysayers and surly types.
Reminder: ignore anyone with a different opinion?
I believe you, and this time Wall Street will really be stunned because there will be no money for a bailout! We are all doomed!!!!
Yes, RG I agree. We are on the Verge. I am Christian, and awaiting the rapture. I think this could bring Anti -Christ on the scene. Not sure , but we could be in World-Wide Depression for a while before he appears.
The rally this week was due to insider trading and nothing more, next week it will fall and then have a dead cat bounce. Do you think that Buffet had a private meeting with Obama 1 day before he bought B of A without getting inside info? Then a week later his chainsaw consultants made the announcement of how they were going to lay off 30k people and close branches. How many hundred million did he make on the deal, $500 million. Now you tell me, who is the corrupt one, the one gaming the system or the one taking advantage of it?
Has anyone checked out the article about the protests in October that are planned by organizations funded by Soros? There is a topic in this forum about that.
there is no I in anonymous RG32
please don't posture authority without verification
Getting a little touchy....the truth hurts. Especially if you have benefitted from the ponzi scheme.
A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that pays returns to its investors from their own money or the money paid by subsequent investors, rather than from any actual profit earned by the individual or organization running the operation
while I respect the public investing in start u[ companies stock,
the trade of the stock has nothing to do with the initial investments
How did I posture authority? I just said the economy was on the verge of collapse.
When it happens, we will implement "austerity measures". Governments worldwide will start exerting greater control over our lives. Hey but this may just be the big change predicted by the 2012 prophecies!
Wooooo Woooo time!
We're teetering on total crushing defeat. But it's beter that what we're dealing with.
this is what has happened to california w/ "low income housing"...another unaccountable branch of govt run by banks...
"This unknown government currently consumes 10% of all property taxes statewide - $2.1 billion in 2001. It has a total indebtedness of over $51 billion. It is supported by a powerful Sacramento lobby, backed by an army of lawyers, consultants, bond brokers and land developers. Unlike new counties, cities and school districts, it can be created without the vote of the citizens affected. Unlike other governments, it can incur bonded indebtedness without voter approval. Unlike other governments, it may use the power of eminent domain to benefit private interests. This unknown government provides no public services. It does not educate our children, maintain our streets, protect us from crime, nor stock our libraries. It claims to eliminate blight and promote economic development, yet there is no evidence it has done so in the half century since it was created. Indeed, it has become a rapidly growing drain on California's public resources, amassing enormous power with little public awareness or oversight"
be very very careful of the "social justice" thing. Wall street disguises itself as social justice ESPECIALLY in housing. If this results in even MORE $ for sham affordable housing projects then we have lost. HUD and state affordable housing is a big black budget for fraud and for funneling $ between wall street and govt.
See whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts and how she realized working for govt that all this fraud originated in the govt subsidized housing markets. So all this talk of "shelter" is wall street getting more $ to banks for these fraudulant projects.
Thank you for the info and for a reference for learning more.
I LOVE CAF....Gerald Celente is another good one.
I give it 2-3 months at best. Then the shit is going to hit the fan...
It's going to get ugly. Yes, there will be many stunned people. Time to do a little midnight gardening with your bullion, huh?
Millions will be lost and needing assistance. And the D.C. bureaucrats will all escape just in time to foreign countries where they have stashed their $billions. Just like that Nazis in WWII. Yeah, I said it. They are worse than the Nazis. And they are cowards who have RAPED and PILLAGED this country into Poverty and Bankruptcy.
Many of the elite have "safe havens" in foreign countries. They are prepared for what is coming. They have plenty of bullion stashed overseas. The little guy is going to get shafter (AGAIN).
Oh, I talk to them every day. They started preparing years ago. They have no concern whether you or I live or die. That's why we should show them NO respect... and NO compassion for their CRIMES.
I don't want to sound like a conspiracist, but you sound very bright. Is it your impression that this was orchestrated? They only see us as "useless eaters".
I like to say, "the system IS working" b/c it's doing exactly what it is supposed to do. People can be very naive with their "bumbling, clueless" government narrative. These guys know what is coming.
I agree. I was discussing a movie, Zeitgeist, with my friend. We agreed there is no "great conspiracy", but she chooses to believe these people are just incompetent. I find it hard to settle on that and feel it is a strategy used to make intelligent people feel good. You're smart enough to see the problem, but people running billion dollar industries and orchestrating legislation to benefit billions more in profit are just incompetent? It just doesn't add up. I personally liked Zeitgeist's explanation that they are just plain addicts that are in denial and don't care about anything but more profit for themselves. I hope I don't start a firestorm mentioning this movie- I know people have some issues with it, which I'm willing to hear, but I found it enlightening on what has happened, why and how we can move ourselves away from it. A lot of food for thought and discussion. Let me put on my bullet-proof vest for the pending attack for those friendly posters that like to attack everyone offering information they don't want people to take as valid ideas.
When our Country goes to war, they accept that 'X' number of brave young men and women will DIE. It is called LSE (Loss-Casualty Expectation)... and they calculate the numbers before the War even begins. Before the RAPING and PILLAGING of the U.S. Economy took place, the strategist came up with the same NUMBER for the amount of people who would be displaced from their homes, and unemployed and financially bankrupted. The general consensus of the 1% was that we can transfer the weakened and poor victims into a cheaper, more loyal working class. In other words, if we take away everything they have, then they have no other options than to accept whatever we offer them. Little did they expect, that the younger generation would RISE UP and demand ACCOUNTABILITY. Hence, the Revolution that is taking place.
Accurate pseudonym.
Thanks....perhaps I know too much?
Watch this and you'll really know too much:
Very interesting. Yes, it is of my belief that the powers that be would like a purge of humanity(themselves excluded, of course). This was all part of a grand scheme.
it doesnt have to happen. there are solutions out there. but if the government doesnt change, then neither will our path.
We don't need to tear down the system, it is repairable.
It is way beyond repair. Europe will meltdown, it is only a matter of time. When it does, the derivatives bomb will begin to unravel. Europe and the US are interlinked financially.
There is a way out. Default on all the credit default swaps. Let the CDS sellers go under. Wipe the whole derivatives market out. All we have to deal with in that case will be the principal CDOs and investments. It will lead to some huge losses for banks and investment firms but all will not be lost. I doubt that will happen though.
Not a chance...will never happen.
well if we get the criminals to take the financial hit (eg th ebanks) and absolve the world's debt, then we are starting from scratch. It is just going to have to take some serious balls from our leaders to do that - and not someone who is financed at all by wall street.
There is one who fits the bill but Ill let you find out who it is on your own :)
That is a bit naive. Now why would THEY (the politicians) want to fix anything? They created and benefit from the system!
depends who the politicians are. Fortunately, we live in a country where we choose our own. I can think of one candidate who would be for that plan of action.
Would that be Ron Paul? I like him, unfortunately he is old and the media has ostracized him. It would be interesting if he showed up to support the protesters, even so. On the other hand, the media would probably label him "a qwack". It's a catch 22.
I am encouraged by his chances this year. I don't dare speak his name here because it seems there are a lot of mis-informed people when it comes to his policies. I wish he would show up too, i think he could teach them a thing or two about realistic solutions to these problems.
I don't agree with a lot of his policies - like making the states decide everything but he is the best that's out there. He is a worthwhile candidate just for his stand on wars alone.
Well on the states rights issues, the idea is that maybe as an entire nation, one policy doesn't speak for everyone, this being a melting pot and all. So if you take those decisions down a notch, to the state level, maybe you can satisfy more individual populaces. It is an arrogant thing to believe that one's perspective is the right way and should be imposed on people 3,000 miles away.
The problem I have with state laws is what happens when you move? It works with speed limits and taxes but there are some things where state laws won't work. For example, if a state recognizes gay marriage, how does it affect immigration? It is just something that has to be thought through. Pulling back on our military adventures is a bigger issue and he's right on that. Of course, the defense companies don't want to see him in power.
Well with gay marriage, and other social issues, I do not feel the government should have a say ye or nay.
But on the migration - you go where you want to live. So if you're gay and want to get married, you'll go to a state that will let you do that. I mean when it comes to moving, there are always pros and cons to a place and you have to get your priorities in order to decide where you want to live.
Then the people who didn't vote for same-sex marriage would have what they want, a state with no gay people, and the state that passes it would get to benefit from an increased population (more tax income, more representatives, and more money in circulation) then maybe the first state would realize they depend on people who are not necessarily just like them and they should be more tolerant.
just spit balling but its definitely an important question you raise.
See, this is where I take a different path. The danger of state laws is things like Jim Crow was perpetuated under them. The role of the Federal government is to protect the equity of all citizens. This includes gay marriage. This also goes for corporate abuses of the environment. If a governor is in the same country club as the offending company, they are allowed to dump toxic waste into the waters and make everyone that lives there sick. (cough Louisiana). And what about education? Children should not be educated based on luck of where they were born in America. Everyone deserves equal access and states do a horrible job of protecting this. I think federal government most certainly should not allow leadership of states to oppress its citizens. That is the point of the "United" states. People aren't just victims of whether their governor actually gives a shit or not. Some laws need to be across the board. And like Jim Crow, it takes federal involvement sometimes to enforce laws that states are breaking. Not that I'm defending the Fed government as is, but in theory, this is the beauty of its role.
The best way would be to not have the government have any say. However, as long as things like marital status matter for taxes, etc. it has to be fair all over the country. In some cases the federal law may be more intrusive than the state law. Medical marijuana laws in CA for example.
yea, that tax thing is an issue. However, if taxes are indeed constitutionally illegal, then we could scrap those too.
The IRS and tax system have become a sort of demographic categorizing people tracker where youre required to give away personal information just to save your own income.
start planting seeds people, we don't need them anyway. the best thing we could do to them is what they've done to us... ignore them and they will simply go away. Ignore them by creating for yourself and your neighbors, collectively, cooperatively. at some point, we just need to stop paying them.... I like electricity and the refrigerator, there must be a way we can do this ourselves!
Knew about this years ago. I'm in finance as well.
When you are in a bubble economy the best solution is to let everything fall as fast as possible. Very painful BUT it only lasts a year or so (like depression of 1920). Instead our leaders decided to prop up ridiculously expensive homes, give banks bailouts and waste trillions in stimulus.
We would have had a deeper but shorter recession. The banks would have lost a lot so they pulled strings to get bailed out. Many have been saying this but no politician has the conviction to do that.
What exactly would have happened if the banks were allowed to fail? What exactly do they contribute? As a regular person, it all just sounds like BS. Not arguing with you. Just asking the obvious question as you seem to understand and have the rare quality of honesty as well. What would have happened? They aren't making loans with that money. CEOs are making record salaries. Our college savings and retirement savings still went down the tubes. They've still laid off workers. The auto industry still needed its own bailout. What exactly does the financial sector do for society? I think its a big freaking Wizard of Oz man behind the curtain and doesn't impact real people at all. They just want us to believe we are so dependent on them.
Many financial institutions would have failed. Many people working at those places would have lost their jobs. The failed banks would have been taken over by others. Many investment firms made bets against these financial products. AIG, for example sold these bets known as credit default swaps. Those firms would not be able to pay up and would go bankrupt as well. They would have stopped lending money. At one point in 2008 lending was drying up so fast that businesses were afraid they couldnt conduct their day to day business. Now none of these issues are that bad unless you are a banker. The easy fix would have been to let them go bankrupt, let others take them over, recapitalize them with loans and start lending again. Instead what we did was buy their junk investment, lend them money at 0% so they could lend that back to us at a higher rate and make profit. That profit was supposed to offset their losses. See how clever it was? We paid them interest on money they got from us (by way of the govt) and loaned to us! Ive tried to explain it in a short form. maybe I should post a separate topic explaining this in detail.
You should. Thanks for the short form!
Im not an expert on this. I just write based on the research I do. I will spend more time on this so I dont post stuff that is incorrect. Credibility is important :)
I didn't even mention the secret loans the fed made to several banks. Those details came out when bloomberg sued the govt to release the information.
Speaking of Bloomberg and the national debt, look at (click on the images and links for videos).
Also look at Bill Black: Economic Collapse Part 1-5 [10:00] (about midway down the page) for how the banks should have been handled. Bill Black is great!
They have monetized us up the wazoo....the greenback will soon be used as toilet paper.
Agreed. I worked in fixed income for years on the real estate side of the business. There is more to this than economics or jobs. It cannot be fixed within. The founding fathers could not fix Europe. They needed a new template in a new physical place. To set an example. To apply an idea. That is what we are doing now in a place you probably never heard of.
You're thinking we didn't know it was coming already and that we weren't preparing ourselves all along. You would be wrong. I predicted the housing market crash in 1997.
the critics of OWL are pro status quo, when they find their lives upended they will realize that the forces of nature will make their cozy status quo lives impossible. Then they will come to their senses.
To the two previous posters....
suggest critics go back to sleep
It's interesting. The protesters will be very surprised when the meltdown comes. The question is..."Then what?"
Why would you say the protesters will be surprised?? They are the ones trying to let everyone know the Federal Reserve and banks are morally and socially bankrupt. Apparently that is why they timed it for the fall. Because another collapse is coming and they will be ready to take in the mass of people finally waking up to the fact that our entire financial system is built on debt and paper.
Thank you for your voice of sanity!!!
But sadly, I'm afraid that it won't wake people up. What will happen is that organizations will use the opportunity to blame it on both Wall Street and guilt by association, capitalism.
The blame lays squarely with Congress, and us I suppose for not being vigilant and, for too many, listening to the siren song of socialism. I guess you can't blame most when the public schools don't teach people about real economics, or currency, or perhaps more importantly, history.
Everything I know, I taught myself - in spite of the fact that I have 2 bachelor's degrees and now a master's degree. And I used to be a public school teacher in a former life (sigh).
Guys, heed this post. The writer knows what he's talking about. And I hope he's right about 2012, because I actually think that once the Euro goes down, it will only be a few weeks before the mighty U.S. dollar falls too.
Most people here sound like Gerald Celente!
I am dead serious. I am telling you the truth. It is coming.
Hmm you aren't the only one I've heard say this lately. Is gold the only safe bet?
If you value what you have worked for it is absolutely imperative that you have a decent chunk of your net worth in physical gold and silver. Also, don't hold cash in one currency. For cash holdings, diversify into at least 4 or 5 different currencies. Dollar, Swiss Franc, Japanese Yen, Canadian Dollar, Australian Dollar, etc. Extremely high grade corporate debt could be a safe haven. Such as bonds issued by McDonald's or Coca-Cola. Don't buy stocks until no one else will touch them. Then buy a lot. Hopefully we will have a brand new country to look forward to by then. One without the Fed, unnecessary wars, Too Big To Fail, Crony Capitalism and the Patriot Act!
I am not sure about gold unless you can keep it where the government can't touch it. The central banks around the world may even try to impose a price limit on gold. Silver is a better bet. Again, only if you can keep it out of the reach of these idiots. I would also look at countries that are not heavily export oriented.
Buy land where you can live in safety, when things get nasty.
I agree. When the meldown of Europe comes, as it surely will, the unraveling of the derivatives bomb will begin. The fed is out of bullets, Obama is - - - -ing in his pants. They know it's coming. Hold onto your gold bullion, we will be using the greenback as toilet paper soon.
I am not pro OWL. The problem is not Wall Street it is in Washington! I fully expect a double dip, & if the radicals and old guard politicians continue their assault on the economy than the ultimate collapse of the country.
The problem is not just Wall st. Its a corrupt crony Capitalist system beyond repair , just as the French aristocracy and court were beyond repaior or the Russian court. The only question now is how long it will take to topple the present system and reshuffle the deck. Capitalist like to talk about the concept of creative destruction but they don't like to face the political reality that nCapitalism has within it the seeds of its own destruction and were seeing those seeds bloom up close as the present system consumes itself. The folks profiting hugely refuse to see that their unbelievably short sighted greed is pulling down the whole rotting structure at the base. Without consumers it collapse and consumers need JOBS! Keep refusing to create work and the whole thing will eventually domino down.