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Forum Post: CRITICAL READ! We now have the answer and must march in solidarity!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 1:58 p.m. EST by Korsen (53) from Fairfield, CT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


This link discusses the answer we've all been desperately searching for. Please read all the information it contains. We have the message and step one, and we have the way to execute that message and step two.

Our founding fathers have provided us in the declaration of independence, the nuclear option which allows the people to take back control of the government when it no longer serves to protect "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

It describes that we do not face a political problem, we face a technological problem, and that we must look to the scientists and technologists to carve the world the way we want to live in it, as we have no time or need to lead, argue, or misrepresent. Our only concern is with creation, improvement, and upgrading systems for increased efficiency.

One site has the message. I have the execution. If you're tired of the trolls on here and elsewhere, if you're tired of the defeatist mentality, if you're tired of being second guessed, misrepresented, abused, then you need to seriously consider the information in this post. This is not a joke, this is not a game. This is our lives, and our childrens future. We need your support desperately, or there may not be anything to look forward to.

Through all of my searching and discussions with other people, these are the only legitimate ways through our current situation. Without these, I highly doubt that any other proposed solutions will give us anything more than a bandaid, something we have been given for thousands of years.

Like the message says, monarchies and government systems have been feeding us the same message for thousands of years. They have no new answers, but we do.

Good luck to us all, and god speed.



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[-] 1 points by Korsen (53) from Fairfield, CT 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Korsen (53) from Fairfield, CT 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Korsen (53) from Fairfield, CT 13 years ago

The current system is fundamentally flawed. There is no way around it, and bandaids fall off. There must be a complete solution, and this is it.