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Forum Post: Criminal Minded

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 5:24 p.m. EST by American4ThePeople (11)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You say im a criminal and that’s ur opinion While u stand there with a riot gear and troop of ur minions u spread lies and propaganda all over the television this is not what our forefathers envisioned to see a country torn apart by its divisions u say im a criminal because I stand up for my rights
and I will always defend it wit all of my might but the use of ur strong arm tactics are not right I just want to be freed from all of this corporate greed So at least I can feed my family indeed U say im a criminal But all your lies are subliminal But that’s ok because the consequences are minimal You call this a democracy I call this a hypocrisy U say im a criminal While u commit injustices With legislations In the name of corporations What happened to the constitution it has now become an obsolution that is why there is a start to a new revolution



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[-] 2 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

May I? . .

U say im a criminal

and that’s Ur opinion

While U stand there with a riot gear

and [a] troop of Ur minions

U spread lies and propaganda

all over the television

this is not what our forefathers envisioned

to see a country torn apart [up] by its divisions

U say im a criminal

because I stand up for my rights

and I will always defend it wit all of my might

but the use of ur strong arm tactics are not right

I just want to be freed

from all of this corporate greed

So at least I can feed my family indeed

U say im a criminal

But all your lies are subliminal

But that’s ok because

the consequences are minimal

You call this a democracy

I call this [it] a hypocrisy

U say im a criminal

While u commit injustices

With legislations

In the name of corporations

What happened to the constitution

it has now become an obsolution

that is why there is a start to a new revolution


I'm not really a fan of rap . . . too rushed, to chaotic. That's just me.

the s tag, is intended to indicate strike through, as if it were edited by hand, and the [ ] brackets indicate what I would put in - but feel free to ignore me if you like.

Like I said, rap really isn't my thing.

[-] 1 points by American4ThePeople (11) 13 years ago

i was copy and pasted and thats how it came up but its cool im not a rapper thats just how i write sometimes maybe thats how it comes out thats cool too thanks for taking a look had to express myself