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Forum Post: Creative Disruption: Ideas needed!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 8:24 p.m. EST by clearmountain44 (48)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Creative Disruption: ideas are needed to mobilize the vast silent majority of americans, the 99% that share our sympathies but are not ready to march in the streets.

please make suggestions.

here is one to start, how about a No Texting Day! Protest the most monopolistic cell phone system in the developed world. It's totally non-violent, very easy for everyone to participate but very powerful. can you imagine the power of such a "non" message message? text messaging is one of the biggest sources of income for cell phone companies. well maybe that's a lame idea but I hope some people can come up with some creative ways to send a powerful message.



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[-] 5 points by Daniel1984 (44) from Wiley Ford, WV 13 years ago

I would love to see the oil companies lose money; especially because of their recent propaganda commercials to make them look like they're a group of caring philanthropists.

[-] 1 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 13 years ago

I agree oil heartedly

[+] -5 points by slizzo (-96) 13 years ago

"I would love to see the oil companies lose money"

really? you'd like to see millions of people who worked and saved for retirement lose even more of the value in their 401k plans? people like teachers and librarians and fire fighters? you want those hard-working public servants to face an even tougher retirement? wow, that's so cool.

oh, right. you never considered that, did you.

here's a novel idea: get a life and try using that gray blob inside your head.

[-] 3 points by RantCasey (782) from Saginaw, MI 13 years ago

Ok I guess you do not agree with having oil companies lose money. Geeesh

[-] 2 points by Daniel1984 (44) from Wiley Ford, WV 13 years ago

In a nutshell, yep. Which people are those by the way?

[-] 1 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago

if you and others are vested in the system that perpetuates the misery of many, well, that's your problem. you have the choice to pick what companies you invest in. so do companies. they can choose to invest in different companies.

people boycott companies all the times. south african companies for apartheid. coal companies for environmental pollution. but i guess you would be against that becuase coal miners would lose their jobs.

how about tobacco companies to protest nicotine addiction and lung cancer. but i guess you would be against that too because it might hurt someons 401K.

[-] 1 points by slizzo (-96) 13 years ago

"you have the choice to pick what companies you invest in."

not necessarily, but you wouldn't know much about that, would you? it just feeeeeeeeeels good to say it.

comparing an oil company to apartheid...laughable. just so very laughable.

"how about tobacco companies to protest nicotine addiction and lung cancer"

how would that work? non-smokers won't...buy cigarettes? again, more well thought-out nonsense for reactionary ows types who seem more and more every day to be a bunch of dumb teenagers, despite their actual birth years. incredible.

but, hey, at least it's funny and free entertainment. like a group of interactive online clowns-on-demand. you should think about getting clown makeup tattooed to your face.

[-] 1 points by SierraPalmer (12) from Florence, CO 13 years ago

This is a constructive forum! If you do not have a constructive idea, go away!

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 13 years ago

All the "money" is fake, it is really debt. If you like IOUs I will give you some with my name on them in exchange for some that say Federal Reserve BANK" on them. The value is equal since neither is backed by anything.

[-] 1 points by slizzo (-96) 13 years ago

well I used some of that "fake" money to buy a concert ticket, a few cocktails and a slice of pizza yesterday. and they took it! I also used some of that "fake" money to buy an area rug on Saturday. looks like everyone accepts this "fake" money. odd, eh?

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 13 years ago

If I give you and 1000 other people an IOU for $1 and I only have $10 to my name, I am stealing from all but 10 of you. You can trade IOUs All you want, sooner or later more than 10 of you come back for your money and ALL of the IOUs are proven worthless. What is worse I loan you $100 in IOUs and make you pay me interest on money I never had to begin with. It is a scam. Any money not backed by resources is a scam.

[-] 3 points by f34r (7) 13 years ago

how about a boycott of the major gas industry? No exxon, shell, etc..

[-] 1 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago

dude, we all gotta drive....

think of easier things to do.

how about 1 major gas company at a time? one week just exxon, the other week just shell

[-] 2 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

Things to do: Boycotts like the one described above but focused on companies that really are on Wall Street or on one of their subsidiaries. If you could have an impact on Black Friday, it would be huge. That day has gotten to the point of being absurd anyway.

Continued daytime presence in key positions.

Things not to do: Blocking ingress or egress. (It is often illegal. It shows you do not respect the rights of the workers who have jobs there. It may turn those workers against you when they might very much be your natural ally, as many workers are not happy with the management of the companies they work for. It will turn public opinion against you. So, occupy the space that doesn't prevent people from getting in or out. Don't assume those going in or out are the ones that are you enemy. They may very well be the ones who are your friend and may wish they could stand there, except they'd lose their job. When they DO lose their job, they may be quick to join you there.)

--Knave Dave http://TheGreatRecession.info/blog

[-] 1 points by SierraPalmer (12) from Florence, CO 13 years ago

Yes yes yes! did I mention yes?

[-] 1 points by R3volution (19) 13 years ago

Stamp END THE FED - Ron Lawl 2012 on every Federal Reserve debt note you pass.

[-] 1 points by Barkode (105) 13 years ago

How about a zionist-free week (only a week, in the beginning, as a warm-up)?

Don’t buy newspapers, don’t watch TV (other than sports if you made bets), and don’t go to theaters. The zionist masters of the propaganda apparatus (= the brainwashing machine) will be really hurt.

“I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government,” Jewish columnist Joel Stein wrote in the Los Angeles Times in December 2008. “I just care that we get to keep running them.


[-] 1 points by slizzo (-96) 13 years ago

more anti-semitism from ows.

be proud, ows, be very proud. this is what get the attention of people who think you are a bunch of kooks. 9/11 truthtards and their anti-semite cousins who see a jewish conspiracy around every corner.

great for credibility. seriously.

(ok, occutard barkode, now you can predictably whine about how being anti-zionist isn't the same as anti-semitism when everyone knows it is)

[-] 1 points by SierraPalmer (12) from Florence, CO 13 years ago

I would occupy the Federal Reserve! I would boycott banks and credit unions. I would boycott all retail chains. I would sew my own clothes and grow my own food. If you all really want to go somewhere with this thing, go back to a bartering system where no money or 'precious goods' (i.e. gold, diamonds ect. ) are exchanged. Wall Street cannot trade if there is no money to be had!


[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

mind link is almost always present in any super hero group

[-] 1 points by JoeyDee115 (12) 13 years ago

Well in NY you can get some word out there on how much Dictator 1% Bloomberg is spending on police overtime on a movement that for almost 3 mos. has been 99% peaceful. As I write there are police on standby for unexpected out breaks.He keeps reminding everyone that the city is broke and we need to cut back.He is laying off city workers and agressively going after and attacking salary and benefit packages for the ones still employed.The amount of money he is spending on killing this movement will infuriate the voters and they will react against him. They will really begin to see what he is really about. The taxpayers need to be woken up!!!!!! This terrorist diversion is a joke when he does not get aggressive enough about the gang violence and innocent bystanders buying bullets all over the city.Much of it never makes the news.He is all about his colleges in the 1% and he needs to be removed from office ASAP

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

Then be careful not to alienate the taxpayers:

Make sure they are able to travel where they need to go and to get in and out of premises they need to visit.

We watchful of any in the movement who are pressing toward violence and try to gather people to calm the violence. Actively work to keep things from going that way as tempers easily and naturally flare.

--Knave Dave



[-] 1 points by JoeyDee115 (12) 13 years ago

While you are at it you can remind the taxpayers of his insistence on developing the Brooklyn waterfront in the name of "job creation" and promoting tourism when in fact he his trying to bring up the value of his many real estate investments for the area mentioned.I'm almost certain he is behind the recent campaign investigations of John Liu (city controller) who wants a shot at mayor in 2013.John is labor friendly and from what I know of him he is most likely a sympathizer of this movement

[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago


Disrupt the junk mail syndrome watch this video.

[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

This guys video cracked me up and had me going to hardware stores for wood chips. This is definitely something the 99% can do, it is not illegal, there is virtually no effort involved, and any one who HATES JUNK MAIL can do this in retaliation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JlxbKtBkGM

[-] 1 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

What works with this form of retaliation is that no one has to know that you sent the envelope because your address does not have to be on the envelope. So that is why I think that this works it is simple, legal and it gets your message across.

[-] 1 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago

bumper stickers.

[-] 1 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago

boycott black friday.so easy to do. is it going to hurt the 99% to save some bucks for real needs, probably not. but will the 1% feel the pinch? definitely.

pinch then hard!

[-] 1 points by JonValle (133) 13 years ago

The problem is that some people do depend on black Friday for their holiday expenses. When I worked commission, I depended on black Friday to push me through the rest of the year into January.

We also all know that even if our boycott of black Friday was largely successful, the corporations won't acknowledge it. Just like how they're barely acknowledging November 17th.

What we really need to do is a media blitz to get the word out and make these people more nervous. We need to grow our support base.

[-] 1 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago

there is no easy solution. and of course if big companies are hurt it will trickle down and hurt the little guy. but what else is there?

as for a media blitz? how? mainstream media is the establishment. to paraphrase " stick and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me. what does the 1% care about grumbling. they are not listening. how do you make them and politician listen?

[-] 1 points by JonValle (133) 13 years ago

We utilize what we have. We use youtube, facebook, twitter maybe start developing more websites. As you said, no easy solution but I think we need to utilize what we have and we know we can control.

There are already anti-ows website/blogs out there. We need to counteract them with positive blogs, explaining why we march and the reasoning. We really need to begin picking groups to act as spokes people as to add familiar faces to the movement.

We need those, already highlighted by the media, such as Scott Olsen, Dorli Rainey and Cpt. Ray Lewis to become said spokespeople. I'm not saying they are our leaders, but these three, I feel, are key because they add the extra spokes of this movement. A marine, an elderly lady and a retired officer. And again, they've already been highlighted by the media.

I'm not saying I'm right or you're wrong. Just the way I see it.



[-] 1 points by johnynpu (15) 13 years ago

I think a great way is to write down the name of a high paid CEO with chauk on the sidewalk. All the criminals example. Criminal Bank of America, CEO Brian T. Moynihan

[-] 1 points by Var (195) 13 years ago

Sacrifice the sacred cow of Black Friday. Drive around the malls waving signs and honking car horns. Signs saying things like...

You scrounge for deals

While banker criminals steal billions of

Your tax dollars to pay for

Hookers and blow and yachts.


Or maybe ...

America is finished

Grab all the shit you can!

[-] 2 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago

black friday boycott, great idea!! easy to do but serious economic consequences.

[-] 1 points by Var (195) 13 years ago

Don't get me wrong... I will be buying stuff on Black Friday. I have to, I'm not a millionaire.

[-] 2 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago

the sales will still be there the next week. the point is to show that we have the discipline for coordinated action.

[-] -1 points by Var (195) 13 years ago

The really good deals won't last. I'll put a sign on the back of my truck, then head in the store.

[-] 1 points by SierraPalmer (12) from Florence, CO 13 years ago

It is sad that you cannot commit completely!

[-] 0 points by Var (195) 13 years ago

Sierra keep in mind that we are on the cusp of hyperinflation. My savings are about to lose its value.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

I've been saying a series of tweet bombs could be very powerful.

[-] 0 points by pinker (586) 13 years ago

unless you are aware who owns percentages of twitter. jp Morgan - 10 percent. the revolution will be tweeted.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

I don't understand - I don't think it matters who owns twitter - so perhaps you could explain what you are saying?

The reason I don't think it matters who owns twitter is because I think - and this is just theory - but I think it was designed for linguistic research. Major changes in site design or blocking access from their end would, because of that, tend to run counter to their interests as a research tool - and I believe that if I am correct so far, then it follows that the research interests will trump that of any single investor.

But maybe I've missed everything you were attempting to communicate there - care to use more words with greater specificity?

[-] 0 points by pinker (586) 13 years ago

Tweet bombs was your suggestion. Although a private corporation, Twitter is a corporation making a ton of money right now. if the idea in this thread is to not use corporations' services for a day, tweeting will not help.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

It is a marketing tool, for measuring what people like, don't like, and so on. It is the marketing sector's ear to the street. If we can blast loudly enough in their ear we can not only make them deaf, but we will drive them mad.

I should not have to pull my own ear to make that point

quite clear.

[-] 1 points by OurTimes2011 (377) from Arlington, VA 13 years ago

A Global Day of Fasting.

One day. Global.


[-] 0 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago

think of something easier to do and focus on america first. not using your cell phone for a day, not shopping on black friday, not watching tv the entire night. all those very easy things have serious economic consequences for the 1%.

[-] 0 points by ScottyGunn (3) 13 years ago

at first glance, I thought your post said " Global Day of Fisting"...

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

I think a few people not texting would be more a demonstration of weakness than of strength. I think it would be better to hand-hold people (especially computer illiterates) through the process of learning free online communications formats to give them alternatives. If people decide they can use the alternative, every day is a no texting day.

[-] 1 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago

computer literacy programs?? are you kidding!? think of something easier to do and focus on america first. not using your cell phone for a day, not shopping on black friday, not watching tv the entire night. all those very easy things have serious economic consequences for the 1%.


[-] 0 points by yarichin (269) 13 years ago

Put freshly sliced potatoes in a jar filled with water, put a layer of olive oil on top of the water, seal the jar and wait 30 days. You get one of the most foul smelling things known to man, yet non toxic. Dump it on the stock exchange, City Hall, police stations. Worse than a skunk and easy to make. DISRUPTION. Butyric Acid

[-] 1 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago

this thread isn't for idiots. please stay off it.

[-] 0 points by saged (33) 13 years ago

how about no using the bathroom day !!! Can u imagine the looks on the elites faces when they see we all have shit our pants

[-] 1 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago

let's stay on topic. america, the 1% in america. issues that everyone already knows. not the what some japanese company did. we are trying to get traction here.... GE, Walmart, Health insurers, Verizon, wall street....

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

Toshiba is a global company. They came here to screw the folks. They can get the hell out. A bully is a bully. I don't give a damn what nationality they are.

[-] 0 points by JoeTheFarmer (2654) 13 years ago

IMHO, creative disruption just pisses people off.

[-] 2 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago

yea 1% of the people

[-] 0 points by newusernot (5) 13 years ago

how about you dont really represent the 99%...you are just troublemakers

[-] 1 points by clearmountain44 (48) 13 years ago

then you give us a good idea! suggestions are welcome.

what is your solution: write your congressman?