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Forum Post: cowrap

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 9:22 a.m. EST by kookla (79)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hey hey Ho Ho We are the 99, the greedy 1%, are trying to kill us slow/  we like working for a living, to earn our daily bread/  providing for our families, love our moms and dads/  but the greedy Neolib 1%, are skimiming all the cream/  selling out the 99, and killing off that dream/

They buy our politicans, make democracy their bitch/  Driving the middle class economy, straight into a ditch/  they are taking all the jobs, to ship em overseas/  cause the lower cost of living, makes their wages oh so cheap/  all to drive up the price of stock, for the greedy 1%/  who just can't seem to ever get enough, of more than they can spend/

We got a corporate msm ,that lying through their teeth/  selling drama by the hour, for the VIP's/  the're following the scipt, that's designed to obfuscate/  its called manufactured consent, under the guise of news today/  Dim Lib verses Repug Con is the lie the're told to sell/  its just the never ending story they always try to tell/  But pull back the curtain, and the truth is plain to see/  the 1% are back there, pulling all the strings/

we have the right of free speach, its a basic guarantee/  but now its just being sold , to the corporatocracy/  The scam of Campaign finance, aint nothin but a joke/  its only graft for buying access, to those congress hoes/  corps aren't people, thats plain for all to see/  and this Government has become a corrupted a tool, of the rich plutocracy/

So 1% you listen up to the power of the truth/  the 99 are not the playthings for the 1% of you/  this country is the homland , of our liberty/  its supposed to be the future, of our kids prosperity/  but it just not gonna be there, for the most of us/  if we allow that greedy 1%, to keep fucking it all up/.

well we just aint gonna take it, in the rear no mo/  The corruption of the 1% thats killing us, has really got to go/  That why we are out here, Occupying all these streets/  cause we need to take our world back, from the 1% elite/



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