Forum Post: Councilwoman Sawant, the Interview.
Posted 11 years ago on Jan. 30, 2014, 9:49 a.m. EST by shoozTroll
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"Seattle City Council member Kshama Sawant ended her inauguration speech on January 6 with an exhortation to the voters who had just elected her as the country’s only socialist politician: “To all those prepared to resist the agenda of big business—in Seattle and nationwide—I appeal to you: get organized.” If her election is going to catalyze bold reforms in Seattle, she has said repeatedly, it will require a strong movement behind her. And yesterday, she put her money where her mouth is by announcing that she would accept only $40,000 of her $117,000 salary and donate the rest to a fund to build social justice movements.
Running as a member of the Trotskyist party Socialist Alternative, Sawant was unusual among leftist candidates around the country for her audacity. She did not run as a “protest candidate,” simply raising issues about the bankruptcy of our political system, but rather as someone who believed she could win. Incredibly, in November 2013, she did.
Sawant faces a tough slog in implementing her progressive agenda, which includes a $15 minimum wage, rent control and an income tax on the wealthy to fund better public transit, among other goals. Business interests will fight any kind of minimum wage boost, as they did in the nearby town of SeaTac, where a corporate-backed lawsuit convinced a judge to partially overturn a $15 minimum wage passed by voters.
But Sawant seems confident that, with the help of mobilized supporters, her election can be a step toward better days for Seattle’s working class—and the country’s. Sawant spoke with In These Times by phone from her new office in Seattle’s City Hall. "
Hmmmm - really? I don't think the republiCONs in office want anything to do with her - well nothing good.
The new interview@Huffpost
Keep in mind, what forces will be arrayed against her.
Namely the libe(R)tarians.
You do remember this one from Bernie's libe(R)tarian list?
“We support repeal of all law which impede the ability of any person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws.”
oh, I get that and I keep in mind the teabagg(R)tarians in Congress just turned down $10, using outdated ideology.
The carrot and the stick, will take some time to deal with.
The realization of the "platform" by means of subterfuge?
In news of the surreal.
Do you remember when I showed that the libe(R)tarians in Canada where trying to dismantle the Canadian postal service, just like they're doing here?
Strangely enough, they are proposing a similar solution, to what You've heard here recently about using the post office for basic banking.
Could it be that the BIG banks, just don't want to deal with us riff raff anymore?
That there just isn't enough profit in public banking these days?
They went after it for the same reason as always = private for profit rape and plunder!
Private control of what gets shipped is another motivation - own the means and ship what you want and to hell with any restrictions. Another familiar story - private means/control = massive abuse! And the rich just get richer as the rest get continually poorer and sicker and dead.
Used to was that both were significantly cheaper than the USPS and faster - not so much of either any-longer - um - now that they are so firmly established ( entrenched? ) - kinda reminds me of the birth and growth of cable TV - 1st introduced as commercial free - because the customer was paying for the service.................then established - then - "walla" - commercial purveyors. The same old same old Corp(se)oRAT games.
It's gotta make you wonder.
They keep sayin if you don't like it move - "I say" = them 1st - as where are they gonna go? - lets face it - "the truth" - there is nowhere on this planet to go to - You know it - I know it - They know it - the statement/suggestion is a farce - unless we - they - you - I have a viable way off of this planet - to a new and as yet " un-raped " planet - that will support life - our life - if we have that? "then" I say fine " I am out of here " you self destructive assholes can have the earth " but you can not follow the rest of us when you realize that you have killed any type of future for yourselves on this 1st/original planet " - nope - "YOU" end HERE!!!
Edit -> Hmmmmmm is that what God in the Bible had in mind? YOU ASSHOLES - YOU LOSE - BuBye...................
I'd like to agree, but I can't.
It would give the libe(R)tarians what they've been striving for.
The complete destruction......of............sanity.
Just from observing the condescending way that you treated one female poster here who did not agree with you,
And then your frequent use of the term "mutherfuker" and now in your last comment "lying libertarian cunt"...who should kill don't seem to have much respect for anyone including yourself.
I would bet money that "the entire half of the female species" has avoided YOU for a long time in the Real World, so there is no reason for me to denigrate you further.
Not having a lot of respect for women seems to be something the Neocon Democrats & the Libertopiasts have in common....don't 'ya reckon?
C'mon, it's not a total loss....yet.
Let's hope that this holds.
Sometimes that sounds great, but we really ARE all in this together, like it or not.
It's too late to separate.
Absolutely - that would help ( I think ) any sane individuals to make up their minds to once and for all to abandon their toxic states.
EDIT -> wouldn't it be gr8 if the approval was held off until after O-Bummer has left office and be attributable to corp(se)oRATists in office at that time?
Seriously now - is there really anyone who did not see the state department approval coming?
The only reason it has not been approved for completion - so far - is that anyone seen as supporting the kxl pipeline is afraid of becoming a public pariah ( and rightly so ) - and so it gets delayed due to upcoming election concerns. Thank you You very outspoken protestors - THANK YOU
Careful, last time I mentioned red States, I was accused of commie baiting.
I was surprised to see it was Nebraska that hung it up.
60 votes will take some time to get back.
I read this yesterday. She is very interesting.
I like how someone showed up yesterday, just smear to her, yet offered not one link to prove his allegations.
I don't necessarily agree with everything she says, but she has earned every once of my respect.
I liked how all the posters here, missed her closing statement about the importance of unions.
All of our posters couldn't get the Obama echo out of their heads.
Must B really scared to show-up to try to denounce a lowly city council member. I think that they ( shills/sellouts ) are afraid of the fresh air getting to be instantaneously contagious/viral through out the public and then through the public - government.
I'm sure that troll was a one shot deal.
This is a nice informative interview. I don't expect he'll show up here.
Are you pulling my leg? = "I don't expect he'll show up here."
I mean - it IS what prevaricators live/work get paid for.
I'm not, but by the look of all the auto blocked posts, there's some trolls still out there that would like to.
The shills/sellouts have got to try to denounce her - she could be the source/inspiration of their masters downfall.
I am sure that she has scared the hell out of people.
Yep - with scant prior experience - regular folk have got to be shocked at her use/redirecting of the lions share of her city council pay - others in office - have got to be cringing at her example to the public - yep - foundations have been shaken.
Kshama Sawant is an amazing woman.
I think that it is a very shrewd move. I think everyone else on the city council just realized that there is a very real possibility that she won't be voted out for a long time.
She got a 16 year (?) incumbent booted. She has donated the major portion of her income to peoples movements - yeah - pretty shrewd.
Who could imagine, that they would be freaking out, somewhere in Seattle.
I think it's great.
Worst scenario for them?
They'll have to do some of those things, if they want to get re-elected.
Yep....they're freakin' out alright.
That they won't do. The worst case scenario is that they attempt to unify against her.
If so - perhaps they might just end up shooting themselves.
That's kind of what I was thinking but it will take some time.
You bet - I believe that we are talking about a very intelligent individual - SO - no doubt she has the smarts ( note incumbent kicking campaign ) to make public any animosity shown her position in council and out of council.
She is that loony, yes.
Loony? Why would you think that, harrythetroll?