Forum Post: Could you answer these questions (for a socialogy project)?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 30, 2011, 11:06 p.m. EST by roh234
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
1) Why do you protest?
2) How long are you planning to protest?
3) What in your opinion caused the wealth imbalance?
4) Should government officials be held responsible as well as unethical corporations that lead to the 2008 recession?
5) Do you believe the official statistics about GDP, unemployment and inflation?
6) What changes would you do if you had the power?
7) What is your response to fringe infiltrating the movement ( ie the KKK and neo-nazis)? Do you think its fair to call the American Tea Party a movement of the fringe if the same fringe infiltrated their movement?
8) Should Trade Unions as body also hold personship ( they do in the status quo)?
9) Is it an accurate statement when people say Occupy is an anti-capitalist movement?
10) What do you expect will come out of this movement?