Forum Post: Could the Catholic Bishops be trying to distract U.S.
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 13, 2012, 2:01 p.m. EST by TheirLyingPropaganda
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Could the Catholic Bishops be trying to distract the U.S. away from their pedophile pursuits with this bogus business of religious discrimination?
Fact: nobody is compelled to file an insurance claim for birth control
Fact: nobody is compelled to use birth control
Fact: the Church at some point had liability coverage which covered pedophile pursuits. Did that force the Church to do it and cover it up?
yes and they are being encouraged by the republicans ,, they always have to bring up some kinda stupid issues to divert attention from reality.. that there are no jobs.. that there will not be any jobs... that this crisis is not diminishing but increasing. but by the time elections role around.. no one will even care about that..
There is no insurance coverage for criminal acts.
One can be liable for both criminal and civil penalties, as in the case of SEC civil proceedings and justice dept criminal proceedings, for the same actions.
No one cannot insure against criminal liabilities but global indemnity insurance will cover monetary damages obtained in civil court. Another example would be criminal automobile vehicular homicide vs automobile liability insurance for the same actions.
Coverage will never apply for intentional acts or punitive damages. A civil judgment for intentional acts of molestation would never be paid by an insurance company.
Fact: Obama retreated on forcing the Church to pay for contraception and morning after pills. Church 1; Obama 0
i thought that liberals liked perverts.
not as much as conservatives need their prejudice prone mental midgets
this has been established in a number of medical case studies, including very recently
like i said, their were reports saying the blacks were not as smart as whites, did you believe that? You probably did. Conservatives like John Kennedy, Margaret Thatcher, Ronald Reagan, Eisenhower, where these mental midgets? I guess you feel that liberals like Al Gore are the template for intelligence.
You should look to the right instead of the left.
Really? Bet you are wrong.