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Forum Post: Could SLAVERY in America compete economically with the Chinese?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 9:26 a.m. EST by Lefty48197 (117)
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Suppose slavery were suddenly legalized again in America. A slave owner would have to shell out money for his slave. Probably a couple of thousand dollars or so. Then he'd have to feed, clothe, and shelter his slaves. Even under the most miserable of conditions, a slave would cost at least a couple of hundred dollars a month just for the food, clothing, and shelter. Add in the price to buy the slave, and then suddenly it costs $300 per month just to employ ONE slave in America, who's wages are $0.00 per hour. Now compare that with the eleven year old Chinese girls that work in the factories producing all of the crap that Walmart sells. The Chinese slaves, OOPS, I mean 'workers' earn about 40 cents per hour. At 80 hours per week and 320 hours per month, the Chinese workers cost about $128 per month in wages. Since slaves in America would cost over $300 per month, even slavery in America couldn't compete with the use of Chinese factory labor.



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