Forum Post: Could Republican "Debt Ceiling Bill" Backfire?
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 23, 2013, 10:07 a.m. EST by john32
from Pittsburgh, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Good overview of debt ceiling debate and what each side would gain/lose:
Bottom line- They will win, we will lose.
There just isnt enough support from the people to get things going at this point. Perhaps it will change, and it very well could. I know I have been too busy with work the last 4 months to do much political.
But as it stands now, we will lose.
Yeah I hear ya. It's a tough subject really is. People have to be willing to invest the time to really understand how they're getting screwed by this monetary system....and even if you do spend time - it's not always easily understandable if you don't have a basic understanding of economics. It's really an up hill battle to get the word out about this stuff.