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Forum Post: cost of protest

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 1:43 p.m. EST by leavethecities (318)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

In my opinion OWS priotestors and unions should pay the 99 percent of us who have small businesses for disrupting our livelyhood. They should libel as individuals and groups and closely monitored for damage done to public/private property. I heard there is a nationwide group of attorneys forming to take cases for free and a new fund available to cover their services. Any damages to persons or individuals who by protestors will also be covered. In general free assembly is protected by the constitution but not public or private property. Unions involved are being considered because of their deep pockets and some states are considering using rico statutes. I support these measures to protect the 99 percent from the public and private cost of protests. Additionally the protestors should have to pay additional security costs as they become necessary.



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[-] 2 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

I also support this. Think of how much of the 99%'s tax money is being used to pay for all these police officers and city workers who need to clean up the messes after. Apparently the rights of OWS to freely assemble are more important than people's private property rights.

[-] 1 points by leavethecities (318) 13 years ago

Wallsteet bankers who committed fraud bribed officials or manipulated congress should be held in account. If a group or organization committed fraud they need to be held account, the trouble with judging a group on the amount of wealth they earn (which granted should be taxes at an higher rate) and classifying everyone earning a certain income level versus judging people on their actions are they fraudlent immoral etc instead of generalizing all high income earners together is a form of prejudice. Allegations need made against specific groups, corporations, or individuals for specific acts otherwise it is a form of prejudice. Goldmansachs is a prime example of a company that has manipulated the government and caused the current crisis. Also I thin it is wrong to equate all banks and individuals equivalent. A lawsuit should be started against goldmansachs, paulson, and geitner for the damage they did to america. The only way the banking system will change is holding people responisble for their actions, whether a petty theft ir banking president, all people whether rich or poor should be treated the same in the sight of the law.

[-] 1 points by Sister949 (2) 13 years ago

Why should small businesses support Occupy? It's tough, especially if you are the person who is suffering in the short term because of protests on your doorstep. Liberation is not easy. Liberation takes sacrifice. We all have a lot to gain if this movement continues. Here's a couple of short term changes that would be great for small businesses: Single payer health care (no need to consider employee health care when hiring), fair corporate taxes (big corps get charged for the extra pollution and other costs to our infrastructure, so they can't unfairly compete with you), healthier city governments and limits to corporate contributions to political campaigns (city gov. able to meet the needs of small businesses because they are flexible and not on some corporation's payroll.) I agree. Participate. But go for the big vision because this is a big vision movement.

[-] 1 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 13 years ago

Agreed. They are only hurting the little guy they claim to represent. And that's why I came back. (I started in OCCUPY and left when the rhetoric and actions became violent). They claim to speak for the 99%. Well, they are doing it wrong and starting to hear from the real 99.

[-] 1 points by soapbox (14) 13 years ago

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