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Forum Post: We Must End Corrupt Government

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 12:41 a.m. EST by otf (115) from Mooresville, IN
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We must end unlimited campaign contributions, if you give a candidate a million dollars, he's bound to give you his vote after he's elected. The incumbents would never pass any legislation to limit campaign contributions and this is exactly why they must be voted out. We will never get any legislation passed that will change the things that are wrong with this country until we get some new blood in office, things like the Fedreal Reserve Act and the Federal Income Act. He must show all the candidates that the New Order is here and it's us, the 99% and if you want to keep your office you better be a part of the cure, cause if your not, you won't get elected to a second term



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[-] 2 points by tomcat68 (298) 13 years ago

why couldn't we try a manditory limit? Hell if that doesn't fix anything we can always go back and change it later.

I'm thinking one further myself, Congressmen/women Senators earning a salary of No more than the nations average. period. State govenors earning the state average, local mayors earning the average wage in that town. etc.

With this "public service wage" in place we could expect ONLY those politicians truly interested in providing a service to run for office. then set up an income oversight committee to investigate kick backs and off shore deposits into unscrupulous politicians accounts. let's start there and then work on whats fair in the civilian market

[-] 1 points by scaevity (2) 13 years ago

great post, I completely second this. If people in positions of power were there because they truly wanted to improve the world/their communities and were not just motivated by greed a ton of problems would be fixed.

[-] 0 points by otf (115) from Mooresville, IN 13 years ago

I agree, nice post, Thank You.

[-] 1 points by HappyLove (143) 13 years ago

Yeah, that should be severely limited.

[-] 1 points by bloodflower (24) 13 years ago

Congressional salaries and benifits both medical and retirement should be inline with the military.There is no greater sacrifice made to the service of our country than our soldiers therefore there is no justification in congressional salaries and benifits at present levels

[-] 1 points by tomcat68 (298) 13 years ago

mnnn Congress. I should research perhaps before commenting but it is my understanding a Congressman will draw full salary for the rest of his life. even after he is voted out. all at our expense