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Forum Post: Corporate tax rate proposal

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 11:59 a.m. EST by KTChi (9)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Here's a thought: Let's reform our corporate tax code based on the ratio of a company's upper executive compensation to its average employee's compensation. The lower that ratio, the lower the taxes that corporation pays. Plus, it means that if the executives want to pay themselves more, they'll have to pay their employees more as well. But, if a company wants to maintain extreme ratios for their executives (as these Wall Street firms do) they could do so but they'd have to pay a higher corporate tax rate. And, if we can't convince our politicians to enact fair policy like this, I say we send our business to companies that do have more fair executive/average employee compensation ratios.



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[-] 1 points by crrice (68) from Durango, CO 13 years ago

Sounds good initially. Needs more investigation...

[-] 1 points by TheDude (18) 13 years ago

NOW HEAR THIS: Corporate Tall by VOLTFACE - a song about Wall Street. Wonderfully appropriate! Its the Anthem we needed!

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Available on iTunes as well...