Forum Post: Corporate Secrets
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 11:28 p.m. EST by Prince81
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
It is time for the people as a whole to take back the country we have rightfully built and defended. Our president is a puppet and our congress is just playing political games, but every political office does that. Why? Because we have allowed it. We let these elected officials play games with our paychecks, our health benefits and insurance and even the assistance our elderly receives. In Kansas, the House Appropriations Committee and conservative Republicans constantly bicker over politics that threaten State Employees welfare in regards to pay. In Topeka last month, the city repealed the Domestic Violence Law in order to save money. So… save money…..they made domestic violence legal. Wow…..and Occupy Wall Street is conducting “illegal” acts by “trespassing?”
Wonder why jobs are decreasing? There is a small corporate secret out there. I'll share it with. As a former Supervisor with the State of Kansas, I was told that I could not hire more people because doing so costs more money for training, pay, insurance and benefits such as retirement and pension plans. My argument was that as long as we didn't hire new staff, current staff would be made to work overtime whether they wanted it or not. I couldn't understand why a company would pay overtime anyway when they could hire people to spread work more evenly. The answer was a corporate one. The State of Kansas (and the same goes for other businesses and corporations, I'm sure) would rather pay overtime then to hire new employees because it is cheaper. Instead of hiring new people and paying for additional benefits, insurance and pensions, they could just put more workload on the employees that they currently provide that for and just pay them the overtime (which is cheaper than insurance premiums alone) That's where they get us.
We are at a moment in time folks that we have the power and capability to take back this country….but we must be careful. I’m sure that the men and women who faught for our Independence were as excited, if not more, as we are now. Think about it though, they gained freedom from the British tyrant only to gain American oppressors. Whatever comes from this movement must be carefully crafted and thought-out.
There is not an endless supply of tax dollars to hire state employees ... Especially with all these silly pensions and benefits they get. The state should try to manage costs as best they can to avoid wasting tax dollars.
Silly pensions and benefits? There are state employees on food stamps because their pay and benefits are inadequate. That's sad...
Government and states are running massive deficits .... These entitlement programs need to get cut
The programs need to go away. Like the USPO. Hire private. 99%of America's mail is junk. Why keep thousands of post workers just to deliver tons of crap. Really, crap. I toss it away every day. We all do.
I agree 100%
want to see the deepest darkest corporate secrets, learn how YOU are a slave and a TOOL.
We are all tools
I don't think that is any kind of secret. It is pretty common knowledge that hiring new employees is extremely expensive. Plus they are usually not efficient workers initially.
Did you know that companies insure their employees for thousands of dollars without the employee knowing about this? Corporations fought for this in Congress. They persuaded Congress to allow this in business because the "expenses of hiring and training new staff is too great." This money is then distributed to retired executives pensions. I recommend a good read, if you want, called "Retirement Heist." It talks about this plan in detail.
I don't see what is wrong with that. It is true that hiring new staff is a hardship suffered by any business.
What is wrong with that is that if you overwork employees, they get complacent. Complacency leads to chaos. In prison, complacency gets people killed, cause riots and lead to escapes. More people = show of force
Who do we take the country back from? We are all citizens already. Do we send the prez and every incumbent packing? Should we organize write in campaigns on every level and put in our favorite local sports hero? Minnesota put in the great Jesse Ventura, the wrestler turned actor turned mayor turned governor. He was a flop. If we take the country back, who do we give it to next? I guess this 99% thing has me all confused.
direct democracy around the globe, the US is nothing without the oppression and exploitation of foreign countries.
We will just oppress ourselves. It is human nature
Good point. In all starts with taking money out of politics or at least putting a cap on expenditures. Politicians are being paid-off left and right and now thanks to the 501 (c)4 they dont even have to report their donors. It could be terrorists for all we know. Then we need a group of people to take control. Common people with common sense.From different walks of life, different races, different religions, etc
But how will you take back the Country? Millions of folks from the heartland love this country just the way it is. And they all belong to the NRA!
Soon, even those that feel safe will lose that security. NRA? Do you refer to weapons or the political fiasco involving Herman Cain?
Cain? Clinton had sex in the White House with a young woman! Then he lied to the American prople. The Cain thing is nothing.
True but at least Clinton balanced the budget
Does not matter. He lied. And the stupid libs still think he is wonderful even today. He is like a god to you folks. Even after he lied. Filthy dirtbag trash.
"you folks?" Who said I was a liberal? Who said I was a Clinton fan? I think everyone can do good. We all have our faults but each have our strengths. No one is perfect.
OWSers will disperse like dandlelion seeds in January when the winter winds howl through NYC.
Beastie Boys Make Some Noise! You have to fight for your right to Party!
I think it will only get bigger. Winter will be harsh though. This will truly test the will and loyalty, I'm sure
Should move the occupation to the oval office.