Forum Post: Corporate personhood must be eliminated
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:26 p.m. EST by AustinCarter
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The power of corporations is one of the major problems plaguing the planet and one way to take back control is by taking away their "Personhood". Sign my petition: "For the purposes of this Constitution, only human beings shall ever be considered persons or people. All previous interpretations are hereby revoked." To sign go to:
I think OWS needs to be specific or we will be soon forgotten by mainstream america. I think we need to focus on removing the personhood right of corporations.
If we don't remove that right, then corporations can continue to donate unlimited funds to politicians. How will any reform be possible if corporations have bought the politicians?
I think anything else is a waste of time, and this movement will end up just another marginalized and directionless mass of people. And soon to be ignored by everyone else. As much as some of us want to abandon the american government entirely, few americans share that sentiment. So we must focus on reform that makes sense.
YES - Go to the Supreme court with a case that corporations are infringing on our individual rights. Citizens United my ass. We need to get this ruling reversed.
Agreed...that way the United States (as a corporation) will truly be for the people and by the people. Where this code stands today...The United States (as a corporation, person, entity) does not have to answer to anyone but itself. I don't think the masses truly understand this. That is why the military, police, etc. are there to protect them, not us. They created them, they control them. End of the story.