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Forum Post: Corporate Monarchy right wing social engineering plan.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 4:09 p.m. EST by flamingliberal (138)
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The Gop Corporate Fascists want to get rid of as many American jobs to oppress people from financially opposing them. They have already taken over the States & they appoint corporoate sponsored bullies to the governorship, to take away as many rights from the people as possible and shift the scales towards corporate interests only. They also want to fire teachers and privatize government that way they can bully their employees. The corporations have taken over the state and the senate, people will have no protection from the corporate abuses. The right wing Gop corporate Monarchy will then re-educate children in the new corporate right wing privitized schools, if they dont they will get terminated as they have no federal protection. American history will be replaced with right wing revisionist history propoganda and the future will be lost.



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[-] 1 points by JohnB (138) 13 years ago

Dear FlamingLiberal,

I feel your pain brother (sister). But have hope! We are waking up, we are fighting back, we are taking to the streets. The equation is simple, we are the 99%, and we outnumber them. Look at all the propoganda they have crammed down our brains the last 30 years. Yet, we are waking up. You can only bullshit people so far. When you try to bullshit them out of a job, out of a house and out of a life, you've gone too far, and people will fight back with everything they have.

[-] 1 points by beardy (282) 13 years ago

I heard they are also rounding up the cutest kittens they can find and are drowning them in a river polluted by the Koch brothers.

[-] 1 points by IzzySanabria (4) 13 years ago

I would like to send a visual that personifies

what this movement is all about.

The visual is a painting (which is actually a political cartoon).

It depicts a man of wealth, and power standing on top of the public.

My original title was "America's New Kings" but the title can be

changed to Wall Street or Congressmen.

Attached is low image BUT can send a Hi-Rez WHO DO I SUBMIT IT TO ???

Izzy Sanabria ( IzzySanabria@tampabay.rr.com )

[-] 1 points by JMeeda17 (32) 13 years ago

You are using the word fascist to describe the opposite of fascism. Fascism is actually an ideology that is anti-capitalism (Laqueur, 16.) In that respect, the OWS movement is a much closer resemblance to fascism.

Laqueur, Walter, Fascism - A Reader's Guide: Analyses, Interpretations, Bibliography (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1976) p. 16.

[-] 1 points by JohnB (138) 13 years ago

Wrong. The father of fascism, Mussolini, said Facism is the merging of Corporate and State power acting as one. So you are correct that it is not true capitalism (i.e truly free-enterprise), it is mercantilism.

As an OWS occupier I say there is no contradiction between radical democracy and radical free-enterprise. We can have both. This means we can make as much money as we like, we just don't get to use that money to buy us more political power. Period.

[-] 1 points by JMeeda17 (32) 13 years ago

I am incredulous that you actually found a plausible source that said that. It always amazes me when people use words in which they don't understand the meaning to, and incorrectly at that. It is further amusing to witness many other ignorant personages come to their guard.

Mussolini pushed for government control of business: by 1935, Mussolini claimed that three quarters of Italian businesses were under state control. That same year, he issued several edicts to further control the economy, including forcing all banks, businesses, and private citizens to give up all their foreign-issued stocks and bonds to the Bank of Italy. In 1938, he also instituted wage and price controls (Herbener, 2005.)

Herbener, Jefrey. "The Vampire Economy: Italy, Germany, and the US." Mises Institute, 12 October, 2005.

[-] 1 points by JohnB (138) 13 years ago

JMeeda, you are confused in your incredulity. Everything you said about Mussolini is exactly the same as I understand it. Corporate and State Power acting as one.

[-] 0 points by BobSmith123 (12) 13 years ago

Fascism is not anti-capitalist. Hilter co-opted the German industrial class in an effort to stamp out the German Communist party and the Weimar Republic. Fascism is an ideology that is nationalist and militaristic but it is also malleable.

Today's corporations and wealthy elite have shown that that are capable of using any ideological facade in an effort to strengthen their position of power.

[-] 1 points by JMeeda17 (32) 13 years ago

You are correct that Hitler utilized the money from the industrial class in order to rise to power. In Mein Kampf, Hitler spoke enthusiastically about the "National Socialist corporative idea" as one which would eventually "take the place of ruinous class warfare" (Kallis, The Fascism Reader.)

The rest of your argument is intellectually dishonest. Fascism is both anti-communist and anti-capitalist. The Nazis later came to view corporatism as detrimental to Germany and institutionalizing and legitimizing social differences within the German nation. Instead, the Nazis began to promote economic organisation that emphasized the biological unity of the German national community (Neocleus, 49.)

Furthermore, after the Great Depression began, many people from across the political spectrum blamed laissez-faire capitalism, and fascists promoted their ideology as a "third way" between capitalism and communism (Morgan, 168.) Fascists declared their opposition to finance capitalism, interest charging, and profiteering (Bealey, 202.) Fascist governments introduced price controls, wage controls and other types of economic interventionist measures (Andreski, 64.)

I could go on to cite how fascists usurped private property rights, which is quite anti-capitalist, but this is getting quite lengthy.

Hitler continued to refer to corporatism in the negative sense in his propaganda (Vincent, 158-59.)

Kallis, Aristotle A. The Fascism Reader.

Neocleous, Mark. Fascism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997. p. 49.

Vincent, Andrew. Modern Political Ideologies. 3rd edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2009. pp. 158–159.

Morgan, Phillip. Fascism in Europe, 1919–1945, Taylor & Francis, 2003, p. 168.

Bealey, Frank, et al. Elements of Political Science. Edinburgh University Press, 1999, p. 202.

Andreski, Stanislav. Wars, Revolutions, Dictatorships, Routledge 1992, p. 64.

[-] 0 points by Misguided (373) 13 years ago

The Senate is controlled by left wing democrats. Just saying.

[-] 2 points by flamingliberal (138) 13 years ago

yes, and they 2 sell out the people and must be replaced.

[-] 1 points by letsuseourheads (21) 13 years ago

Don't forget the other branches of the government that are also controlled by democrats currently.

[-] 0 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

They're democrats. Not left wing. Many are extremely conservative, some are centrist. I don't know any that are downright leftist, can you name some?

[-] 1 points by Misguided (373) 13 years ago

Umm let's see, Harry Reid, Max Baucus, Richard Blumenthal, Barbra Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Al Franken, and Chuck Schumer just to name a few.

[-] 0 points by thebeastchasingitstail (1912) 13 years ago

the only one I'd call leftist is Al Franken and maybe Barbara Boxer.

And I LOL'd at Max Baucus being a "leftist" he's a conservadem all the way.

Again, Democrat does not equal Leftist, only in Fox News world is that true.

[-] 0 points by nuclearradio (227) 13 years ago

That doesn't constitute a significant number of legislators. Just because you know their names doesn't mean that they exert undue force.