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Forum Post: Corporate media will be dispatched to stomp this movement out – Not the Police

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 5:25 p.m. EST by JeffCallahan (216)
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Ultimately the 1% along with the politicians will use the corporate media to stop this movement, their control of television, radio, and newspaper is by far their most powerful weapon. The Corporate media already lies and misleads on any little bit of coverage they give this movement. It's only a matter of time until the media starts spreading lies against this movement and those lies. Everyone here needs to watch the documentary about Chavez. The media clipped footage together to make it look like his people opened fire on his citizens. That never happened when your average American looks at media footage it never occurs to them to consider weather or not that footage was clipped together to tell a lye.



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[-] 1 points by JeffCallahan (216) 13 years ago

I wish we could be but the media has captivated the attention of the 99% who arn't here there part of us but corporate media has convinced them they are not. They watch and believe any lies the corporate media feeds them. We can't reach them. If we could the police would be joining us not arresting us.

[-] 1 points by c0lex (40) 13 years ago

Please do not underestimate how important this movement is, and how many people have been waiting for it. People within the media, people within the government, people at the top of corporations. There is a lot of evil, yes, but don't discount good. The good guys are out there, too, and they are fighting even HARDER because they have more to fight for. Just look at guys like Judge Napolitano from FOX and Keith Olbermann from MSNBC. We have allies everywhere, just keep working hard toward our goals and WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!