Forum Post: Corporate management showing us they are not qualified and fear being found out
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 8:20 p.m. EST by NortonSound
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Wages, and prices need to rise and fall in perfect consort for austerity to work and how would we ever get every one on board with that? Lowering wages, impoverishes the work staff, and productivity falls off. Sewing fear into the labor market by laying off workers just because of labor costs, is like sawing off your finger just because you have a scrape. Employers can improve output, change production capital, build a better mousetrap, but to take the easy way out and denude their own labor force is just not in any marketing plan that I've ever read or written, it's what pretend managers do to pretend that they have an education in management.
Pointing fingers and quoting isms from the distant past is also a sign that managers are hiding the fact that they are not qualified for their positions and are using intimidation in the hopes that nobody will find them out.