Forum Post: Corporate Legal Reform is Long Overdue in America
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 3:42 a.m. EST by Gary
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Corporate lobbyists must no longer be permitted to write the bills submitted to our congress. Leave that job to the elected representatives who are there to do a job for the people who elected them, not to conduct the business of special interest corporate lobbyists.
No longer permit corporations to donate to candidates in order to gather political influence for their corporate special interests. Corporates have long abused this by even donating to both candidates, across parties in order to spread political influence. Limit the amount the of donations for any individual. We do not need "billion dollar" campaigns to feed the coffers of media who then filter the news the people receive about candidates and political campaigns. Political campaigns are out of control with spending and it enables corporations to feed on candidates for political influence. Corporations should no longer be allowed to file for bankruptcy reorganization and throw out the common stock holders and pass the equity in the company to the Wall Street banks in return for funding.
hey man, this poll will get the data to people instead of the chaos on the forum