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Forum Post: Corporate Governments

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:21 p.m. EST by standuptogovernment (0)
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First of all congratulations to the people standing up for themselves, I think we should be angry here.

But make sure you know what the cause is. Its not that greedy corporations are wreaking havoc on working class, Banks, Oil companies and Pharmaceutical companies have an obligation to share holders to make as much money as they can. That is there role in this, they do what they do because that is why they exist, to maximize profit. So stop knocking on there door with the save the rain forest sign because they don't care.

What we need to do is hold our governments accountable to the people who vote for them. Currently they are accountable to the corporations first (via Campaign donations) and the voters second. This is backwards. Governments have an obligation to the voters to ensure that big corporations plays fair. Governments can't do that when those corporations are paying for the campaigns of our political parties. Currently these contributions are called Campaign Donations. Other terms uses to describe this kind of behaviors include greasing and bribes.

Because of the bribes these Corporations pay the governments, what power do they really have. Corporations are free to do as they please. So stop standing around wall street with you big bad rich people signs, and take the cause to the problem not the symptom. You are right here, you should be mad, but direct your frustrations at the right people.

One further thing, we don't vote for policy makers. We vote to choose our motivational speaker who will tell us what policies have been decided in the board rooms of the corporations who are funding the popularity contest (the election). What a perfect system if you are in charge of a corporation who has the most to gain from this.

We need a wall between Capitalism and Democracy, and not a checking account.



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