Forum Post: Corporate Gluttony, Greed, Solutions, by HillBillyWilly
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 1:28 a.m. EST by hillbillywilly
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Years before this movement I had developed some domains. Now is the time for me to release them. They are in the same ballpark. Today is my first look at this great resistance. I see it as a move towards socialism, which is OK! Capitalism is why the Taliban made their statement Sept. 11 Killing was an insane act, but did it open any eyes. Some. Some of you may remember the Oprah show that briefly showed a glimpse into the "happy countries". Why are they happy? They pay more taxes. Doctors and the man or woman who collects the trash-make almost the same wage? THEY DO IT BECAUSE THEY LIKE THEIR JOB! Also, free health care, school, time off to start a family, the list is long. Almost no dependency on OIL! Bicycles work in a well developed society. Our neighborhoods need to be re-zoned and re-structured to support local bartering or micro enterprise. I'd love to walk to my neighbors and trade computer work for home grown food. OUR INFRASTRUCTURE IS BROKEN, IT THRIVES ON OIL. YOU HAVE TO DRIVE YOUR VEHICLE- SO YOU CAN SPEND MORE MONEY ON GAS, FOOD, AND HEALTH CARE. SIMPLE. I'm retired and make approx. $22,000 a year. I still work full time at jobs I CREATED. I LOVE MY WORK AND THE PEOPLE I BARTER WITH. I'm college educated but found it faster to study on my own. Saved on gas. I didn't need a piece of paper showing I wasted 4 years supporting who knows? In my early years I learned a lot working for corporations, but most of all I learned that 2 weeks a year off is not enough, I have to many hobbies. In return for good work-I have a nice country home, still enjoy my hot rods, and have everything I always thought I might like to have when it comes to material things. As I grow wiser and now have a more spiritual existence-I asked myself-now what should I do? I want to help others create a life that they will enjoy was my answer-a business incubator. Here's an example of a government that is flat out moronic. I'm in California, so some of you have probably heard of the mass extinction of enterprise in this Gluttonous Hollywood wanna be state. I created a small home-based computer business to help low income people. I tested the processes for free and made some new friends, a lot of new friends. On Jan. 2011, I filed for a fictitious business name with the County Clerk. I paid my $35. I had nothing invested-no store, no tools(except my own), no inventory, no advertising, just an idea to pass on to another entrepreneur, so I could start the next business. ON 8/23/2011 I got a letter from the "Office of the Assessor-Recorder" Office. I wont post the whole nonsense, but they wanted me to "fulfill many requirements from a variety of government agencies". Basically what this says is" we are lazy government workers and agents and we want you to support our laziness, that's how I read it. We have children(not mine), we have mortgages(not mine), we have bills(not mine), we have fancy government cars that need gas(not mine). WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY! I could go on and will in another post. This is not how we will grow as a country, this is how we will die. I don't support welfare unless its more regulated. To many people are soaking this system. I love to have a cup of marijuana tea once in a while. But people who have cranked out one child after another just to support addiction OR GET INTO THE COUNTRY are not high on my list. These children end up without fathers or any direction at all. I have see some great success cases and am very proud of these children understanding this is not a way of life anymore. Piss for hard core drugs, excess alcohol, no more hard working peoples money. Leave the country I don't care. Also, what is all this Bill Clinton glorification about. Dumb rock artists that don't remember NAFTA? Does anyone. I do, I lost my job to Mexico. In my next post I'm going to briefly explain how to live off the grid and be very happy, I did it. My girlfriend and I loved it, it was very romantic and peaceful. Total cost: approx $140. Next post. I know I'm covering a lot a topics, I do that, I call it entrepreneur neurosis. It's treatable. WE NEED PEOPLE TO STAND UP AND SHOUT AT THE DEVIL, LIKE THIS RESISTANCE IS DOING. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! If you get thrown in jail, so what, try cramming 99% of us in there. Free food, TV, TP, you name it. Which brings up another topic I'll discuss later. Rock On, Don't stand down, hang your head high and overthrow every Corporate Glutton you identify and do what George Carlin suggests, boil a few, on PRIME TIME TV! HillyBillyWilly