Forum Post: Corporate Embargo - Concept
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 24, 2011, 9:18 a.m. EST by Isomad
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
With any well balanced civilization there needs to be a means to market and exchange goods. Instead of performing blanket boycotts across all businesses and industries. You need to make the "Black List" and "The Red List" (use the corporate and investment terminology). The lists would simply be companies that publicly say they will or will not stop making political contributions to any politician (no matter what party/position/ etc.). Make it very simple in nature.....Kiss principle (Keep It Simple Stupid)....they all start on "Red List"...and only move to "Black List" once they publicly announce they will no longer be a part of the problem but want to be part of the solution. They don't even have to necessarily agree with everything that is being promoted by OWS. They just need to get out of the American Citizen's business...which is political representation.
- Have the corporation pledge to not contribute anymore money to political campaigns nor endorse any lawmaker moving forward. They don't have to agree with the movement. They simply have to agree to stop all campaign contributions to be a OWS "Black Listed" company.
The 99% has power....but the system is set up to not let us need food, water, shelter, and a way to make money (job). These are basic human needs for any civilization. So the question becomes what is the most powerful tool the 99% have? Buying power. Don't boycott. Reward the companies who are standing in solidarity. If Exxon doesn't want back the movement and Chevron does. Buy only gasoline from Chevron. Pretty soon you will have them battling themselves for being the exclusive sponsor of OWS. If Wal-Mart wants to contribute to political campaigns and Target says it does not.... the 99% needs to go to target to shop. Rewarding companies and small businesses instead of punishing all companies is the way to regain control of the economic system and remove that power from the elite. They are only elite...because they control your spending habits. Don't call it a "Boycott" it an "Corporate Embargo" against corporations who want to continue socially corrupting political practices. It is simple act of having them publicly acknowledge they will no longer pay to elect politicians. Once the list is created....once they (corporations) are on the list....or not on the list....big changes will take place. At that point in time they will be forced to cast their lot.
My prediction -- they will not risk not being on the 99% side. It's corporate suicide. As soon as you create an event where half the companies will benefit...and half will go without...all corporations will fold like a cheap suit....and the politicians relying on their funds will be scrambling as well....they can't afford not to.
There must be a verification process.
– Greed, I say, Is NOT Good . . . . Nov. 24, 2011