Forum Post: Corporate Criminals - this is what it's about
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 3:52 p.m. EST by igetit
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I read this article about the Koch brothers and their corrpupt empire with great disgust this week.This article demonstrates how rich corporations, like Koch, are allowed to commit crimes that if an individual perpetrated would be in jail for life. Please take the time to read this article in full. It demonstrates the full circle of how rich and powerful companies commit crimes against our country, the environment, innocent people, and even the employees that work for them. I think this says it all about why Occupy Wall Street has emerged and it also helps to focus the message. Rich and powereful companies do whatever the hell they want in the name of free markets and capitalism. They line of the pockets of politicians to continue their form of capitalism and receive all the money they need from who else? Wall Street. This article really struck me about who is really running the show and that we have to take back the power from corrupt and greedy corporations and give it back to the people. I hope you find this article as disturbing as I did and it will motivate everyone to keep up the occupation.
I would say this is 99% of our problem. Our politicians should be ashamed for allowing their money to influence everything they do.