Forum Post: Corporate Campaign Contributions = Bribes
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 8:07 p.m. EST by Packerbackerbob
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'Money Talks & Bullshit Walks' We have a corrupt political system whereas our representative democracy has been taking over by corporate and special interest greed. 'He Who Has The Gold Makes The Rules' This is what the American Revolution was supposed to have eliminated two hundred and thirty five years ago. Do not vote for anybody that accepts bribes, but vote. Study the candidates, express your concerns to them and make your vote count towards social justice. Power To The People !
Look up the history of the "Wright Amendment" . A bunch of landowners got together and had congress shut down Love Field Airport. Meanwhile, the new airport they built (DFW) became an amazingly valuable piece of real estate!
We need to get money out of politics...